Telemedycyna jako przełom systemu ochrony zdrowia
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Telemedicine is one of the answers to the growing need for the different kinds
of medical services which one can see in society nowadays. The technological
progress observed recently is a precursor of the development of telemedicine.
The possibilities offered by telemedicine are advantageous for both the patient
and the healthcare provider, and one of the main benefits is access to
distance healthcare.
This means medical care without the need for an in-clinic appointment or for
patients or medical professionals to travel to the place of treatment. Recently,
when we struggled with a pandemic and limited the amount of interpersonal
contact. Therefore, the solutions brought by telemedicine appear to provide an
effective and safe alternative to a significant part of in-clinic appointments.
In Poland, however, there are still some barriers to disseminating these solutions,
including limited technical possibilities, insufficiently defined effectiveness
and financial efficiency and limited acceptance by the payer. This article presents
the services and possibilities offered by telemedicine, its advantages
and disadvantages from the doctors’ perspective and analyses its legal aspect.
Słowa kluczowe
telemedicine, e-health, COVID-19, telemedycyna, e-zdrowie, COVID-19
Kida-Witek A., Ziemlińska A., Telemedycyna jako przełom systemu ochrony zdrowia. W: Zarządzanie i innowacje u progu XXI wieku, Malinowski D. (Red.), Sośnicka J. (Red.)., Seria: Monografie PŁ; Nr 2414, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2022, s. 173-180, ISBN 978-83-66741-66-9, DOI: 10.34658/9788366741669.3.2.