Skłonność firm rodzinnych do korzystania z rozwiązań pomocowych podczas pandemii COVID-19
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Family businesses are the dominant form of business in Europe. A family
business is different to non-family businesses because they are distinguished
by families and ensure the safety of family members, working family members
and succession. Family businesses experienced the same problems during the
pandemic as other businesses in their sectors. Apart from generating profit,
family businesses are also responsible for ensuring the safety and survival
of their family members. This article will present the restrictions placed on
running a business during the lockdowns and assistance received from the
government and the European Union. Empirical research was conducted in
422 family and non-family businesses from August to October 2021 using
a Likert-based survey questionnaire. This article answers the main research
questions: Were family businesses more inclined to use state assistance
or less than non-family businesses? What were the most attractive forms
of support for family businesses available during the COVID-19 pandemic?
And how did this compare to non-family companies?
Słowa kluczowe
family business, COVID-19, support for family business, firma rodzinna, COVID-19, wsparcie firmy rodzinnej
Raczyńska E., Swałek A., Skłonność firm rodzinnych do korzystania z rozwiązań pomocowych podczas pandemii COVID-19. W: Zarządzanie i innowacje u progu XXI wieku, Malinowski D. (Red.), Sośnicka J. (Red.)., Seria: Monografie PŁ; Nr 2414, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2022, s. 118-130, ISBN 978-83-66741-66-9, DOI: 10.34658/9788366741669.2.4.