Fabrication of Plga/Hap and Plga/Phb/Hap Fibrous Nanocomposite Materials for Osseous Tissue Regeneration
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej. Wydział Technologii Materiałowych i Wzornictwa Tekstyliów
Lodz University of Technology. Press - Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design
Lodz University of Technology. Press - Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design
The study presents the manufacturing of nanofibrous structures as osteoconductive, osteoinductive materials for osseous tissue regeneration. The fibrous structures were obtained by electrospinning of poly(l-lactide-coglicolide) (PLGA) with addition of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and of a blend of PLGA with polyhydroxybutyrate with HAp
added. The polymers used in the experiment were synthesised by an innovative method with a zirconium catalyst. First, the optimal electrospinning process parameters were selected. For the characterisation of the obtained osseous tissue reconstruction materials, the physical, macroscopic, functional, mechanical and thermal properties
as well as crystallinity index were studied. The study of the radiation sterilisation influence on average molar mass, thermal and mechanical properties was made in order to analyse the degradation effect.
Słowa kluczowe
electrospinning, resorbable material, implant, osseous tissue regeneration, hydroxyapatite
Autex Research Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 2, Pages 95–110