Sposoby wiązania cząsteczek ligandów z DNA
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology. Press
Lodz University of Technology. Press
W pracy omówiono różne grupy ligandów o zróżnicowanych sposobach wiązania z DNA. Scharakteryzowano sposoby wiązania ligandów z DNA oraz omówiono cechy charakterystyczne w ich strukturze determinujące sposób, w jaki oddziałują z tą makromolekułą.
In this paper, we characterized various modes of bindings of ligand molecules with DNA, including intercalation, bisintercalation, binding in minor or major groove of DNA, non-specific binding outside DNA, covalent binding and mixed binding mode - characteristic for hybrid molecules named combilexins. We discussed the structural features of ligand affecting its interactions and, in case mixed binding mode ligands, external factors influencing occurrence of specific mode.
In this paper, we characterized various modes of bindings of ligand molecules with DNA, including intercalation, bisintercalation, binding in minor or major groove of DNA, non-specific binding outside DNA, covalent binding and mixed binding mode - characteristic for hybrid molecules named combilexins. We discussed the structural features of ligand affecting its interactions and, in case mixed binding mode ligands, external factors influencing occurrence of specific mode.
Słowa kluczowe
ligandy, DNA, leczenie nowotworów
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Łódzkiej. Technologia i Chemia Spożywcza, 2006 z.70 s.65-77 sum.