Mobile device path planning basing on the fractional potential
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The aim of the paper is to develop new quick and safe algorithms used for
mobile device path planning [1,2,6,7,8,10,13,19]. The path should lead the
device to some predefined target without striking the obstacles. In the proposed
algorithms, applying fractional-calculus [12,14-18,22] where the frac- .
tional-order differences [17,18] are defined one evaluates the generalised
fractional potential [3,5,11,20,21] defining the level of an obstacle danger.
Autonomous mobile devices equipped with safe paths creation abilities are
valuable in different real-life situations. One can mention catastrophe areas
with different types of obstacles of different obstacle danger. Applying the
fractional calculus with mentioned earlier integrals of any, fractional orders
one can create 3D space with better indication of the danger zones. Next one
defines an optimal, safe path.[...]
Słowa kluczowe
algorytmy, ścieżka urządzenia mobilnego - planowanie, rachunek ułamkowy, ułamkowy potencjał, algorithms, mobile device path - planning, fractional calculus, fractional potential
Ostalczyk P., Bąkała M., Duch P., Sankowski D., Mobile device path planning basing on the fractional potential. W: Modelling and Identification Algorithms for Emerging Applications in Data and Signal Processing, Romanowski A. (red.), Sankowski D. (red.), Tadeusiewicz R. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2015, s. 249-270, ISBN 978-83-7283-657-1.