Nowe formy terapii nieswoistych chorób zapalnych jelita grubego w oparciu o preparaty na bazie srebra
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W pracy omówiono nieswoiste choroby zapalne jelit, w tym chorobę Leśniowskiego-
Crohna (ChLC) i wrzodziejące zapalenie okrężnicy (WZJG). Podano ich epidemiologię,
patogenezę, objawy kliniczne i metody leczenia. Przedstawiono zastosowanie srebra
w badaniach podstawowych i klinicznych, jego właściwości biologiczne, rolę w stanach
zapalnych, preparaty i perspektywy przyszłych zastosowań. Celem pracy było opracowanie
nowych terapii przeciw NChZJ opartych na preparatach zawierających srebro. Do badań
wykorzystano autorskiego pomysłu kulki szklane z warstwą srebra, wytworzone
w Politechnice Łódzkiej oraz związki koloidalne autorstwa Marcina Banacha, wytworzone
w Politechnice Krakowskiej. Wykonano badania in vivo, w dwóch mysich modelach
NChZJ. Model ChLC wywołano przez doodbytnicze podanie TNBS. Model WZJG
wywołano podaniem w wodzie pitnej soli DSS. Wykonano badania in vitro, w tym ocenę
makroskopową, badania histopatologiczne i biochemiczne w tkankach pobranych
od zwierząt oraz mikrobiologiczne. W aparaturze cylindrycznej BIO-DIS przeprowadzono
analizę uwalniania srebra z powlekanych kulek szklanych. Metodą skaningową ustalono
wielkość erozji powłoki srebra pośrednio określającej dynamikę uwalniania srebra.
Uzyskano skład chemiczny warstw srebra przed i po uwalnianiu podczas badania in vitro.
Przy wykorzystaniu pięciu różnych metod przygotowano czopki doodbytnicze z kulkami
szklanymi powlekanymi srebrem, a strukturę czopków określono skanowaniem
rentgenowskim. Stwierdzono, że związki srebra badane w mysich modelach NChZJ mają
właściwości przeciwzapalne, modulują skład flory jelitowej i nie uszkadzają błony śluzowej
żołądka. Badane związki srebra mogą posłużyć do projektowania terapeutyków do leczenia
The thesis discusses inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease (CLC) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Their epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and treatments were described. The use of silver in basic and clinical research, its biological properties, role in inflammatory states, preparations and future applications were presented. The aim of the thesis was to develop new therapies against IBD based on silver-containing preparations. Glass beads coated with the silver layer, produced at the Lodz University of Technology and colloidal compounds by Marcin Banach, made at the Krakow University of Technology were used. In vivo studies were carried out in two mouse models of IBD. The CLC model was induced by TNBS and the UC model by DSS. In vitro studies were performed, including macroscopic evaluation, histopathological and biochemical studies in animal tissues and microbiological evaluation. The silver release was analyzed using BIODIS cylindrical apparatus. The amount of silver coating erosion indirectly determining its release dynamics was obtained via scanning. The chemical composition of silver layers was obtained before and after release during in vitro tests. By five different methods, rectal suppositories with silver-coated glass beads were prepared with the structure determined by X-ray scanning. Silver preparations studied in mouse IBD models have had antiinflammatory properties, modulated the intestinal flora composition and did not damage the gastric mucosa. These silver preparations can be used to design therapeutics for IBD treatment.
The thesis discusses inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease (CLC) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Their epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and treatments were described. The use of silver in basic and clinical research, its biological properties, role in inflammatory states, preparations and future applications were presented. The aim of the thesis was to develop new therapies against IBD based on silver-containing preparations. Glass beads coated with the silver layer, produced at the Lodz University of Technology and colloidal compounds by Marcin Banach, made at the Krakow University of Technology were used. In vivo studies were carried out in two mouse models of IBD. The CLC model was induced by TNBS and the UC model by DSS. In vitro studies were performed, including macroscopic evaluation, histopathological and biochemical studies in animal tissues and microbiological evaluation. The silver release was analyzed using BIODIS cylindrical apparatus. The amount of silver coating erosion indirectly determining its release dynamics was obtained via scanning. The chemical composition of silver layers was obtained before and after release during in vitro tests. By five different methods, rectal suppositories with silver-coated glass beads were prepared with the structure determined by X-ray scanning. Silver preparations studied in mouse IBD models have had antiinflammatory properties, modulated the intestinal flora composition and did not damage the gastric mucosa. These silver preparations can be used to design therapeutics for IBD treatment.
Słowa kluczowe
colorectal cancer, gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory bowel diseases, microbiota, nanoparticles, silver nanolayer, measurement of layer thickness, in vivo animal model, Crohn’s disease, silver-coated glass beads, ulcerative colitis