Odkrywanie Talowskiego
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Teodor Talowski był wziętym architektem w CK Galicji końca XIX i początku
XX wieku. Wielki talent plastyczny i znajomość architektury europejskiej ułatwiały
mu zręczne i twórcze operowanie formami zaczerpniętymi z różnych stylów
historycznych. Swobodnej grze form i przestrzeni w jego projektach towarzyszyły
zwykle swoboda i unikanie symetrii w kształtowaniu elewacji.
Twórczość architektoniczna Talowskiego obejmowała szerokie spektrum budowli
– o różnych funkcjach i różnej wielkości. Były to budynki mieszkalne, wille, dwory
wiejskie i pałace. Osobną obszerną grupę stanowiły kościoły wznoszone na Podkarpaciu
– między Krakowem a Lwowem. Jego dorobek twórczy jawi się na tle epoki jako
szczególnie interesujący – tak w sferze kształtowania formy i detalu jak i nowatorsko
użytych, znanych od wieków materiałów, jak kamień i cegła. Duża dynamika form,
szlachetność i elegancja rysunku detali silnie oddziaływały na obserwatora.
Szczególne wrażenie wywoływały jego niekonwencjonalne kamienice miejskie
i wille – Pod Pająkiem, Festina Lente, Pod Śpiewającą Żabą i Pod Osłem – w Krakowie
oraz willa Pod Kozłem a Bochni. W kilku obiektach w architekturę nowatorsko
wkomponowywał zieleń. Jego realizacje architektury sakralnej wieńczyła budowa kościoła św. Elżbiety
we Lwowie w którym jako jeden z pierwszych zastosował konstrukcje żelbetowe, łączone
z kamieniem i cegłą. We Lwowie przez 10 lat był profesorem na Wydziale Architektury
tamtejszej Politechniki. Talowskiemu nieobce były inspiracje konwencją picturesque eclecticism oraz
cottage stile nawiązującego do idei Ruskina i Red House Morrisa. Był świetnym
akwarelistą, często ilustrującym barwnymi perspektywami swoje propozycje
Teodor Talowski was a highly sought-after architect in the period of Imperial- Royal Galicia and at the start of the twentieth century. His great talent for the visual arts and mastery of European architecture allowed him to effectively and creatively operate using forms taken from various historical styles. In his designs, the masterful play of forms and space is typically accompanied by an effortless avoidance of symmetry in facade plans. Talowski’s architectural work included a broad spectrum of buildings—with various functions and sizes. These were residential buildings, villas, urban manors and palaces. Churches that were erected in Subcarpathia are a separate and likewise sizeable group. They were sited between Krakow and Lviv. Against the background of the period, his creative work appears to be particularly interesting—both in the sphere of shaping form and detail and innovatively used materials like brick and stone that had been in use for centuries. The high dynamism of his forms, combined with the nobility and elegance of the details’ outline, significantly impressed the observer. His unconventional urban townhouses and villas—Pod Pajakiem, Festina Lente, Pod Śpiewającą Żabą and Pod Osłem in Krakow and Pod Kozłem in Bochnia—make an especially strong impression. in a number of his designs, Talowski innovatively embedded his architecture into greenery. His religious architectural projects were crowned by the Church of St Elizabeth in Lviv, where he was one of the first to apply reinforced concrete structural elements combined with brick and stone. For ten years, he was a professor at the Lviv Polytechnic University. Talowski was not shy of inspirations with Picturesque Eclecticism and the Cottage Style that referenced Ruskin’s ideas and Morris’s Red House. He was also an excellent watercolourist, who often illustrated his design proposals with colourful perspective drawings.
Teodor Talowski was a highly sought-after architect in the period of Imperial- Royal Galicia and at the start of the twentieth century. His great talent for the visual arts and mastery of European architecture allowed him to effectively and creatively operate using forms taken from various historical styles. In his designs, the masterful play of forms and space is typically accompanied by an effortless avoidance of symmetry in facade plans. Talowski’s architectural work included a broad spectrum of buildings—with various functions and sizes. These were residential buildings, villas, urban manors and palaces. Churches that were erected in Subcarpathia are a separate and likewise sizeable group. They were sited between Krakow and Lviv. Against the background of the period, his creative work appears to be particularly interesting—both in the sphere of shaping form and detail and innovatively used materials like brick and stone that had been in use for centuries. The high dynamism of his forms, combined with the nobility and elegance of the details’ outline, significantly impressed the observer. His unconventional urban townhouses and villas—Pod Pajakiem, Festina Lente, Pod Śpiewającą Żabą and Pod Osłem in Krakow and Pod Kozłem in Bochnia—make an especially strong impression. in a number of his designs, Talowski innovatively embedded his architecture into greenery. His religious architectural projects were crowned by the Church of St Elizabeth in Lviv, where he was one of the first to apply reinforced concrete structural elements combined with brick and stone. For ten years, he was a professor at the Lviv Polytechnic University. Talowski was not shy of inspirations with Picturesque Eclecticism and the Cottage Style that referenced Ruskin’s ideas and Morris’s Red House. He was also an excellent watercolourist, who often illustrated his design proposals with colourful perspective drawings.
Słowa kluczowe
Talowski, detal architektoniczny, rysunek architektoniczny, Talowski, architectual details, architectual drawing
Kurek J., Odkrywanie Talowskiego. W: Łódź U Like 2021 : 12 Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Naukowe Studentów Architektury - Zobaczyć. Dotknąć. Doświadczyć. Przeżyć. Opowiedzieć : monografia, Witkowski W. (red. nauk.), Striker J. (red. nauk.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2021, s. 29-38, ISBN 978-83-66741-07-2, doi: 10.34658/9788366741072.3.