Impact of savings within the capital pension system on the flow of funds accounts
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Lodz University of Technology Press
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
The structure of the paper is the following. The first part is a brief literature review on saving reasons, paying special attention to savings aimed at securing old age. In the next part the structure of flow of funds accounts and the idea of the financial input-output model as a tool for simulation analyses are described. The third part is an short empirical report on the changes in households’ financial assets structure in Poland in 2000-2018 against the backdrop of the EU. Finally, simulation analysis results are presented. The concluding paragraph contains a brief summary and some directions of future research [...].
Słowa kluczowe
household finance, retirement savings, pension systems, open pension funds (OFE), individual retirement accounts (IKE)
Trębska J., Impact of savings within the capital pension system on the flow of funds accounts. W: Pensions today - economic, managerial, and social issues, Chybalski Filip (red.), Marcinkiewicz Edyta (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2021, s. 213-227, ISBN 978-83-66287-93-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366287938.19