Bezpieczeństwo ruchu w transporcie
Tytuł czasopisma
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Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Monografia „Bezpieczeństwo ruchu w transporcie" ma na celu wskazanie
na podstawie analizy uwarunkowań, szczególnie w zakresie infrastruktury,
ogólnych zasad, zapewniających bezpieczne prowadzenie ruchu pojazdów.
Przedstawiono także wymogi, jakie muszą spełniać systemy, urządzenia
oraz elementy, stosowane w sterowaniu ruchem w transporcie - SRT.
Omówione uwarunkowania i wymogi prowadzenia bezpiecznego ruchu dotyczą
przede wszystkim transportu kolejowego i drogowego oraz w węższym zakresie
. transportu lotniczego. Po spełnieniu warunków bezpiecznego ruchu, systemy
SRT powinny w miarę możliwości zapewniać płynność ruchu, poprzez
stosowanie odpowiednich rozwiązań, prowadzących do zwiększenia zdolności
przepustowej drogi transportowej.
Celowo zostały wydzielone zagadnienia związane z kolizyjnością (rozdział
4) oraz oznakowaniem i osygnalizowaniem (rozdział 5) drogi transportowej.
W ten sposób, czytelnikom zainteresowanym tymi aspektami transportu
podano wybrane elementy systemów SRT, które muszą być uwzględnione
w projektach dróg transportowych, bez potrzeby dokładnej znajomości systemów
sterowania ruchem w transporcie.
W rozdziałach 7 i 8 w oparciu o prace własne wprowadzono niektóre nowe
pojęcia, takie jak np. aktywacja pojazdu czy grafy wymiany informacji między
pojazdem a urządzeniami stacjonarnymi. Przedstawiono także podstawowe
schematy funkcjonalne systemów automatycznego ograniczania prędkości oraz
metody zapewnienia ich bezpiecznego działania.
Monografia jest przeznaczona dla studentów kierunku transport oraz osób
zajmujących się zawodowo bezpieczeństwem ruchu w transporcie lub zainteresowanych
tymi problemami.[...]
The monography ,,Traffic safety in transport" discusses issues that concern safe movement of vehicles in rail and road transport and selected elements of traffic safety in air transport. It has been presented how evolution of communication affected on increase of traffic speed , which is one of basic transport parameters. Constant and variable parameters of road determining safe road speed, which safe movement of vehicles have been discussed. Conditions of protection against collision in road and time sphere have been defined. Conditions of vehicles safe movement have been determined. Movements on strictly determined course, such as rail transportation and movement of free selection of course, such as road transportation have been distinguished. The discussion covers also such issues as marking and signalling of road, railway track, junction and runway. An example of rail station has been precisely described in preceding chapters- mainly for purposes of designer of rail station tracks. Requirements that should be met by rail traffic control systems have been introduced. Conditions that have to be met by safe control systems have been defined. Required sequences of railroad switch control system have been given, as well as sequences of signal device control complying control of rail and switch condition, rejection of collision courses and semaphore light control. Information flow in communication system between static point and moving vehicle has been presented on graphs. Considerations has been conducted for the point and continuous transmission with use of rails (track circuits), wire circuit and radio transmission. General functional construction of A TP system, safe ATP system diagram and some solutions of A TO system have been presented as well. Conclusion of monography presents selected organizational / administrative and legal issues that contribute to elevation of safety standard in transport.
The monography ,,Traffic safety in transport" discusses issues that concern safe movement of vehicles in rail and road transport and selected elements of traffic safety in air transport. It has been presented how evolution of communication affected on increase of traffic speed , which is one of basic transport parameters. Constant and variable parameters of road determining safe road speed, which safe movement of vehicles have been discussed. Conditions of protection against collision in road and time sphere have been defined. Conditions of vehicles safe movement have been determined. Movements on strictly determined course, such as rail transportation and movement of free selection of course, such as road transportation have been distinguished. The discussion covers also such issues as marking and signalling of road, railway track, junction and runway. An example of rail station has been precisely described in preceding chapters- mainly for purposes of designer of rail station tracks. Requirements that should be met by rail traffic control systems have been introduced. Conditions that have to be met by safe control systems have been defined. Required sequences of railroad switch control system have been given, as well as sequences of signal device control complying control of rail and switch condition, rejection of collision courses and semaphore light control. Information flow in communication system between static point and moving vehicle has been presented on graphs. Considerations has been conducted for the point and continuous transmission with use of rails (track circuits), wire circuit and radio transmission. General functional construction of A TP system, safe ATP system diagram and some solutions of A TO system have been presented as well. Conclusion of monography presents selected organizational / administrative and legal issues that contribute to elevation of safety standard in transport.
Dla studentów kierunku transport oraz osób zajmujących się zawodowo bezpieczeństwem ruchu w transporcie lub zainteresowanych tymi problemami.
Red. serii Monog. : Wodziński, Piotr
Red. serii Monog. : Wodziński, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe
transport - środki bezpieczeństwa, bezpieczeństwo drogowe, transport kolejowy - środki bezpieczeństwa, lotnictwo - środki bezpieczeństwa, transport - security measures, road safety, rail transport - security measures, aviation - security measures
Karbowiak H., Barański S., Bezpieczeństwo ruchu w transporcie., Bezpieczeństwo ruchu w transporcie., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2011, ISBN 978-83-7283-423-2.