Background subtraction algorithm for moving object detection
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
Background subtraction technic is a very important part of computer vision applications
for successful segmentation of objects from video sequences. In this paper, a
segmentation method for moving object using automated moving object detection
in a video image sequence based on background subtraction method. Noise is applied
to assess the robustness of the algorithm. The background model method and
adaptive thresholding is used to compute the foreground object detection mask. A
reference frame is initiatly used and considered as background information. Experimental
results, which demonstrate the system's performance, are also shown.
Słowa kluczowe
background subtraction, motion detection, computer vision, odejmowanie tła, detekcja ruchu, wizja komputerowa
Saoud A., Mosorov V., Grudzień K., Background subtraction algorithm for moving object detection. W: Algorithms, Networking and Sensing for Data Processing, Mobile Computing and Applications, Romanowski A. (red.), Sankowski D. (red), Sikora J. (red.), Lodz University of Technology Press, Łódź 2016, s. 189-206, ISBN 978-83-7283-738-7.