Equality of desert in the pension system from the gender perspective. The case of Poland
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Lodz University of Technology Press
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
The aim of the article is to operationalize equity with regard to one of the equity dimensions, i.e. the equity of desert within a generation in the pension system. In the next step the intergenerational (in)equity between women and men in the Polish (obligatory) pension system will be identified. The calculations will focus on the results of the descriptive microsimulation model, which bases on the female and male biographies and pension outcomes received from the new pension system.
Słowa kluczowe
equality of desert, pension systems, inequality of desert, Polish pension system, equality of desert – operationalization
Ratajczak J., Equality of desert in the pension system from the gender perspective. The case of Poland. W: W: Pensions today - economic, managerial, and social issues, Chybalski Filip (red.), Marcinkiewicz Edyta (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2021, s. 70-82, ISBN 978-83-66287-93-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366287938.7