Jak zagospodarować przestrzeń w centrum miasta tak, aby zachować walory środowiskowe, a jednocześnie nadążać za postępem cywilizacyjnym?
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Lodz University of Technology Press
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Tematyka artykułu dotyczy problemu, jak zagospodarować przestrzeń w centrum miasta tak, aby zachować jej naturalne walory. Jednym z miast w Polsce, które spełnia wszystkie te warunki i znajduje się w północno-wschodniej części na unikatowym terenie tzw. Zielonych Płuc Polski jest Białystok. Autorki prezentują projekt zagospodarowania centrum Białegostoku, wykazując, że miasto dysponuje licznymi walorami geograficzno-klimatycznymi (teren tzw. Zielonych Płuc Polski), które należy wykorzystać i połączyć z rozwojem gospodarczym i postępem cywilizacyjnym. Inspiracją były rozmowy na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Białostockiej o możliwościach takich rozwiązań projektowych, które łączyłyby funkcje usługowe,komunikacyjne, gospodarcze z działaniem stref rekreacji i rozrywki.
During recent years architects in Poland have tried to design many buildings, shopping malls and public spaces, which appearance was meant to attract attention and serve people. Many of them have tried to combine public spaces with green areas and service spaces. However, most of these places are very similar. It is hard to highlight plants in centers of big cities as lack of them is very significant. Everyone would like to spend their free time outdoors, among green fields, while still having access to services.One of the cities in Poland, which combines all of those features is Białystok located in northeast of our country, on the unique terrain of, so called, „Green Lungs of Poland”. It is a city, which values should be used and combined with economic growth and the progress of civilisation. I was inspired by discussions at Bialystok University of Technology – the faculty of Archtiecture about such untypical places in the city center. One of the activities was an attempt to develop this area. This area is located close to the railway station, where there is a lot of traffic and signifi cant congestion. That is why conntection of public spaces within this area was so important, as well as integration with economic development and most importantly with pleasures and attractions.
During recent years architects in Poland have tried to design many buildings, shopping malls and public spaces, which appearance was meant to attract attention and serve people. Many of them have tried to combine public spaces with green areas and service spaces. However, most of these places are very similar. It is hard to highlight plants in centers of big cities as lack of them is very significant. Everyone would like to spend their free time outdoors, among green fields, while still having access to services.One of the cities in Poland, which combines all of those features is Białystok located in northeast of our country, on the unique terrain of, so called, „Green Lungs of Poland”. It is a city, which values should be used and combined with economic growth and the progress of civilisation. I was inspired by discussions at Bialystok University of Technology – the faculty of Archtiecture about such untypical places in the city center. One of the activities was an attempt to develop this area. This area is located close to the railway station, where there is a lot of traffic and signifi cant congestion. That is why conntection of public spaces within this area was so important, as well as integration with economic development and most importantly with pleasures and attractions.
Słowa kluczowe
public spaces, natural environmental values, green areas in the city, przestrzeń publiczna, naturalne walory środowiskowe, tereny zielone
Kosińska K., Kosińska Karolina K., Jak zagospodarować przestrzeń w centrum miasta tak, aby zachować walory środowiskowe, a jednocześnie nadążać za postępem cywilizacyjnym?. W: Łódź U Like 2018. 10. Ogólnopolskie Seminarium Naukowe Studentów Architektury. Zobaczyć. Dotknąć. Doświadczyć. Przeżyć. Opowiedzieć., Błaszczyk K. (red.), Witkowski W. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2019, s. 59-63, ISBN 978-83-66287-41-9, doi: 10.34658/9788366287419.6.