Characteristics and biological properties of ferulic acid
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press
Lodz University of Technology Press
The interest in the properties of hydroxycinnamic acids with health-promoting properties is constantly increasing. That is why more and more research is being conducted to better understand these properties. Ferulic acid, FA (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) is a derivative of hydroxycinnamic acid found in the plant tissue. It is possible to find him among others in bran cereal, popcorn bamboo shoots, and coffee. According to available literature data ferulic acid has a lot of
biological properties, particularly appreciated in medicine. Its bioactive properties effectively contribute to the fight against diseases described as a civilization, including neurodegenerative diseases that increase the incidence. As reported the World Alzheimer Report, the number of people with dementia progression in 2016 exceeded 47.5 million, of which 33.5 million were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. According to the WHO estimates, this number will triple by 2050. The manuscript
presents health-promoting properties of FA on the example of its antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, anti-atherosclerotic, neuroprotective, antineoplastic and antibacterial properties. In addition, the reaction of its synthesis in plants and in-vivo metabolization have been explained. The collected data suggest that bioactive FA molecules can effectively reduce the risk of civilization diseases and significantly reduce the level of oxidative stress contributing to the formation of neurodegenerative
Słowa kluczowe
ferulic acid (FA), health-promoting properties of FA, synthesis of FA in plants, metabolism of FA, kwas ferulowy, FA, własciwości prozdrowotne kwasu ferulowego, synteza kwasu ferulowego u roślin, metabolizm kwasu ferulowego
Dędek, K., Rosicka-Kaczmarek, J., Nebesny, E., & Kowalska, G. (2019). Characteristics and biological properties of ferulic acid. Biotechnology and Food Science, 83(1), 71-85.