The impact of commercial polyphenolic extracts on meat spoilage bacteria
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Lodz University of Technology Press
Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
Wydawnictwa Politechniki Łódzkiej
According to Regulation 178/2002 (EU) spoiled food is considered unsafe. One of the most susceptible to microbial spoilage products are raw and processed meat. Because of its rich chemical composition, high water activity and pH, meat is an excellent habitat for numerous microorganisms [1]. The combination of VP, MAP and natural antimicrobial agents could be very promising Polyphenols can be potentially used as natural preservatives. They have been reported
to have a variety of biological effects including antimicrobial activities. The aim of the study was the investigation of influence of black carrot and red cabbage extracts on meat spoilage bacteria.
Słowa kluczowe
Biologically active compounds in food International Conference, Łódź, 15-16 października 2015r: book of abstracts, s. 68