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  • Pozycja
    Thermal-Insulation Properties of Multilayer Textile Packages
    (Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej - Wydział Technologii Materiałowych i Wzornictwa Tekstyliów, 2014) Matusiak, Małgorzata; Kowalczyk, Sylwia
    Thermal-insulation properties of textile materials play a significant role in material engineering of protective clothing. Thermal-insulation properties are very important from the point of view of thermal comfort of the clothing user as well as the protective efficiency against low or high temperature. Thermal protective clothing usually is a multilayer construction. Its thermal insulation is a resultant of a number of layers and their order, as well as the thermalinsulation properties of a single textile material creating particular layers. The aim of the presented work was to investigate the relationships between the thermal-insulation properties of single materials and multilayer textile packages composed of these materials. Measurement of the thermal-insulation properties of single and multilayer textile materials has been performed with the Alambeta. The following properties have been investigated: thermal conductivity, resistance and absorptivity. Investigated textile packages were composed of two, three and four layers made of woven and knitted fabrics, as well as nonwovens. On the basis of the obtained results an analysis has been carried out in order to assess the dependency of the resultant values of the thermal-insulation properties of multilayer packages on the appropriate values of particular components.
  • Pozycja
    Investigation of an Innovative “Cotton Hollow” Yarn
    (Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Andrysiak, Jerzy; Sikorski, Krzysztof; Wilk, Edward; Matusiak, Małgorzata
    Cotton is a basic raw material processed in the textile industry all over the world. Some new cotton products have been developed thanks to the inventions and efforts of scientists and engineers dealing with cotton. One of the innovative cotton products is SPINAIR yarn by Kurabo (Japan). It is so called “hollow” yarn made of cotton and PVA fibres. PVA fibres are introduced into the yarn during the spinning process. Next they are dissolved and removed in fabric finishing, thanks to which in the final product the yarn is composed only of cotton fibres. The yarn has been developed to improve the thermal insulation of cotton fabrics. Due to the dissolving of PVA fibres, the structure of yarn and fabrics made of it is loose and porous. The air trapped inside the yarn between the cotton fibres increases the thermal resistance of fabrics. Within the framework of the work presented composite “hollow” yarn 42 tex made of cotton (80%) and modified PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) fibres (20%) was investigated within the range of its structural, mechanical and technological parameters. Woven fabric was then manufactured with the application of the 42 tex CO80/ PVA20 yarn in the weft direction. Investigation of the manufactured woven fabric with Alambeta confirmed that fabric with weft yarn 42 tex CO80/PVA20 is characterised by a higher thermal resistance and warmer sensation while touching than that made of 42 tex cotton rotor yarn in the weft.