Humanista i inżynier w czasach postprawdy i zapowiadanej osobliwości (singularity)




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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Press


Today, the humanities and engineering sciences are distant from each other and look at each other with growing distrust. Engineers, equipped with their empirical, mathematical workshop instrumentation stand by the authority of existing scientific laws, whereas representatives of the humanities, who treat the inferiority complexes of those who cannot offer our civilization anything of practical or tangible use, look down on engineers. We are living in post-modern times in which scientific findings are questioned and distrusted, and study results by outstanding scholars are considered mere opinions, views or positions. Solid education has been replaced by "narratives" and fake news.


Słowa kluczowe

humanista a inżynier - stereotypy, rozdźwięk między naukami humanistycznymi a empirycznymi, postprawda, humanist and engineer - stereotypes, discrepancy between humanities and empirical sciences, post-truth


Batko R., Humanista i inżynier w czasach postprawdy i zapowiadanej osobliwości (singularity). W: Inżynier z duszą humanisty, Sośnicka J. (Red.)., Seria: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej Nr 2249, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2017, s. 43-53, ISBN 978-83-7283-895-7, doi: 10.34658/9788372838957.3.
