Witkowska, MonikaŚmiegielski, Krzysztof2024-08-192022Witkowska, M., & Śmiegielski, K. (2022). Thermal water – more than water!. Biotechnology and Food Science, 84(1), 41-52. https://doi.org/10.34658/bfs.2022.84.1.41-522299-6818http://hdl.handle.net/11652/5416https://doi.org/10.34658/bfs.2022.84.1.41-52The use of thermal waters both for external use and for consumption is presented. Nowadays, the use of ecological products of natural origin is promoted, allowing for a significant improvement in the psycho-physical condition of users. Research is carried out to create natural products that comprehensively improve not only the condition of the skin, but the entire body of the user. Thanks to the development of modern technologies used both in cosmetics and other industries, it is possible to effectively use the composition and properties of thermal waters.enFair use conditionDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkucosmeticsthermal watershealthdermocosmeticsgeothermal waterskosmetykiwody termalnezdrowiedermokosmetykiwody geotermalneThermal water – more than water!ArticleLUT LicenseLicencja PŁ10.34658/bfs.2022.84.1.41-52