Słownianek, MartaSkorupa, MartaLeszczyńska, Joanna2016-07-112016-07-112015Biologically active compounds in food International Conference, Łódź, 15-16 października 2015r: book of abstracts, s. 592084-0136Brak expIDhttp://bacif.p.lodz.pl/Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is probably the most commonly consumed vegetable worldwide. Although it contains a wide array of beneficial health nutrients and antioxidants, it may also cause adverse allergic reactions in sensitized people. Tomato allergy affects from 1.5% to 16% of the population with food allergy and is often accompanied by allergy to pollen and latex [1]. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation between method of tomato cultivation and allergens’ content in different tomato varieties.application/pdfplPresence of Some Panallergens in Tomatoes from Organic and Classic CultivationsArticle