Kłopotek, Mieczysław Alojzy2023-09-212023-09-212023Kłopotek M.A., Clustering Dilemmas – A Study of the Request of Homogenicity within Clusters Versus Diversity Between Clusters. W: Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 4, Wojciechowski A. (Ed.), Lipiński P. (Ed.)., Seria: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej Nr. 2437, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2023, s. 95-100, ISBN 978-83-66741-92-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366741928.13.978-83-66741-92-8http://hdl.handle.net/11652/4788https://doi.org/10.34658/9788366741928.13An interplay between the requirements of within-cluster-homogenicity and between-clusters-diversity is investigated. It is shown that taking the requirements of homogenicity and diversity makes the clustering an easy task, but these requirements are rarely matched in the practise.enDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkuFair use conditionclusteringartificial intelligenceklastrowaniesztuczna inteligencjaClustering Dilemmas – A Study of the Request of Homogenicity within Clusters Versus Diversity Between ClustersRozdział - monografiaLicencja PŁLUT License10.34658/9788366741928.13