Zarzycki, MaciejRomanowski, AndrzejSierszeń, ArturSturgulewski, Łukasz2021-05-062021-05-062015Zarzycki M., Romanowski A., Sierszeń A., Sturgulewski Ł., Generating and modelling network traffic. W: Modelling and Identification Algorithms for Emerging Applications in Data and Signal Processing, Romanowski A. (red.), Sankowski D. (red.), Tadeusiewicz R. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2015, s. 65-90, ISBN 978-83-7283-657-1.978-83-7283-657-1[...] This chapter presents a flexible and scalable approach to automated network adapter testing. It defines a model that can be used to develop complete testing scenarios that reflect the usage patterns seen in todays networks. The work also implements a tool capable of understanding the model and conducting the test scenario. This application is written with performance and ease of extending in mind so it should evolve to meet the the ever changing requirements.[...]enkarty sieciowemodelowanie ruchu sieciowegotestowanie kart sieciowychmodelling network trafficnetwork adapter testingnetwork adapterGenerating and modelling network trafficrozdział książki