Lykhachova, OlgaKołakowski, Zbigniew2017-09-052017-09-052016Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Vol. 20, No. 2, 2016, str. 185–1901428-1511 problem of pressured shallow spherical shells is studied numerically for two types of finite elements: axisymmetric and non–axisymmetric. A very good correspondence of obtained results and known solutions is revealed in the case of clamed and hinged spherical segments for both types of finite elements. The comparison of results also shows that using non–axisymmetric finite element lets one get full pre– and post–buckling equilibrium path in the range of relative deflections w=h.enbucklingspherical shellsexternal pressurenumerical simulationaxisymmetric and non-axisymmetric finite elementswyboczeniesymulacja numerycznaelementy skończoneciśnienie zewnętrzneComparision of Numerical Results with Known Solutions of Buckling Problem of Pressured Shallow Spherical Shells.Artykuł