Bolanowski, Tomasz2019-03-072019-03-072009Bolanowski T., Planowanie przestrzenne parku ekoprzemysłowego. W: Powiązania symbiotyczne między przedsiębiorstwami : praca zbiorowa, Doniec A. (red.), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2009, s. 81-92, ISBN 978-83-7283-311-2.978-83-7283-311-2id skryba-crisp actions being undertaken to create an eco-industrial park are similar to the ones required for an industrial park. Apart from industrial symbiosis, which is a crucial element of an eco-industrial park, other relevant actions are also required in an ecoindustrial park project. These are: (1) application of environment-friendly technologies in the production processes, (2) environment-friendly buildings and (3) site planning, which takes the environmental issues into account. While establishing an eco-industrial park, it is always important to take the environmental issues into account to create the system, which follows them. The natural conditions of the site should be analysed. These are (1) topographic profile, (2) climatic conditions, (3) hydrogeological conditions and (4) the extent to which the natural environment was earlier transformed due to various human activities. The relevant actions should be undertaken at the initial step of the plan to establish an eco-industrial park. It is required to make surplus efforts and cover expenses. Also a part of the site should be used for the non-industrial purposes. Investors play a decisive role in these processes and they are at the same time obliged to select environment-friendly solutions.plplanowanie przestrzennepark ekoprzemysłowyprojektowanie parku przestrzennegoinwestycja o charakterze "eko"spatial planningan eco-industrial parkspatial park design"eco" investmentPlanowanie przestrzenne parku ekoprzemysłowegoSite planning in eco-industrial parksrozdział książki