Baszczyński, PiotrDziomdziora, SebastianNaze, RafałKubiak, Tomasz2017-09-052017-09-052016Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering Vol. 20, No. 3, 2016, str. 277–2931428-1511 article presents numerical simulations of laminates subjected to Compression After Impact (CAI) testing including delamination modelling. Different model of impact damages of laminate were considered. Progressive damage analysis have been employed and different failure criteria have been applied. For each simulation failure load has been estimated as same as the position of damages at destroyed layer. Finally, obtained numerical results were compared with experimental data from referential paper.enCAInumerical simulationsFEMFRP laminatescompression after impactfinite element methodkompresja po uderzeniusymulacja numerycznametoda elementów skończonychlaminaty wzmocnione włóknem szklanym z poliestruNumerical Model of CAI Test for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Plate.Artykuł