Wesołowski, Jacek2024-04-192024-04-192016Wesołowski J., Wielkogabarytowy handel śródmiejski – zaleta czy wada?. W: Miasto przyjazne mieszkańcom, Agajew M. (Red.), Walczak B. M. (Red.), Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej; Nr 2178, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2016, s. 39-60, ISBN 978-83-7283-765-3ISBN 978-83-7283-765-3http://hdl.handle.net/11652/5221The existence of great capacity retail complexes in the city centres (or at their edges) is usually perceived as a lethal competition to traditional commerce. It may be argued on the contrary, that on longer term they can essentially contribute to the vitality of old shopping streets, providing users of larger choice in environments many of them expect. The interlaced activities of old and new are based on the principle of synergy, provided that there exist direct spatial links between both. Dramatic decrease of shopping role of Piotrkowska Street in Lodz which took place in the last decade, can be treated as evidence for the evil effects of lack of inner city retail development, while the fate of Newcastle’s Grainger Town – as proof that the sole existence of new shopping complexes may not be sufficient in reversing the process of decay. Yet big scale shopping developments have been built in most European cities of various size and cultural background. To great extent their formula of existence is based on forms of “sustainable mobility”, such as good public transport and city centre pedestrian zones, hence they can hardly be compared with peripheral shopping malls, the key features of the modernist ‘anti-city’, but rather of classic shopping arcades of department stores. In some cases (Liverpool) they are perceived as key factors to restore vitality and importance to inner cities and key landmarks of the new architectural form (Frankfurt/ Main, Erfurt). The overall success in ‘domesticating the monster of the 20th century urban life’ is a meaningful feature of the sustainability of the well governed European city. It is highly regrettable the chance of retrofitting the Piotrkowska Street in Lodz with modern shopping complex is about to be lost, due to unsympathetic design of new regional railway infrastructure, which is more likely to contribute the peripheral retail development rather than the traditional shopping the historic core of the city. This may petrify the inner city economic weakness and render the regeneration process appear unsuccessful.plFair use conditionDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkurevitalization urbanized areasrevitalization processrewitalizacja obszarów zurbanizowanychproces rewitalizacjiWielkogabarytowy handel śródmiejski – zaleta czy wada?Large-scale inner city retailing: an advantage or drawback?Chapter - monographLUT LicenseLicencja PŁ