Starosta, RomanSypniewska-Kamińska, GrażynaAwrejcewicz, Jan2016-07-112016-07-112015Dynamical systems : control and stability ; s. 563-5709788372837080 aim of the paper is analysis of dynamical regular response of the nonlinear oscillator with two serially connected springs of cubic type nonlinearity. Behaviour of such systems is described by a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). Two examples of systems are solved with the help of the asymptotic multiple scales method in time domain. The classical approach has been appropriately modified to solve the governing DAEs. The analytical approximated solution has been verified by numerical simulations.ensystems theory - conferencedynamical systems - conferencemechaniczne układyoscylatorrównania różniczkowesymulacje numeryczneMechanical systems with two nonlinear springs connected in series.Artykuł