Dyvak, MykolaStakhiv, PetroPukas, AndriyVoytyuk, IrynaPorplytsya, NataliaMaslyiak, Yurii2021-07-152021-07-152016Dyvak, M., Stakhiv, P., Pukas, A., Voytyuk, I., Porplytsya, N., & Maslyiak, Y. (2016). Interval Model of Dynamics of Dispersion of Harmful Pollution from Vehicular Traffic. Journal of Applied Computer Science, 24(3), 49-60. https://doi.org/10.34658/jacs.2016.24.3.49-601507-0360http://hdl.handle.net/11652/3856https://doi.org/10.34658/jacs.2016.24.3.49-60The method of structure identification of interval discrete dynamic models, based on principles of the bee colonies functioning is represented. An example of the implementation of method for modeling of air pollution by harmful vehicle emissions is considered.enFair use conditionDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkustructure identificationinterval discrete dynamic modelsartificial bee colony algorithmdispersion of harmful pollutionvehicular trafficidentyfikacja strukturyinterwałowe dyskretne modele dynamicznealgorytm sztucznej kolonii pszczółrozproszenie szkodliwych zanieczyszczeńruch pojazdówInterval Model of Dynamics of Dispersion of Harmful Pollution from Vehicular TrafficArtykułLUT LicenseLicencja PŁhttps://doi.org/10.34658/jacs.2016.24.3.49-6010.34658/jacs.2016.24.3.49-60