Szczepaniak, Bartłomiej2017-09-062017-09-062017Organizacja i Zarządzanie, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Łódzkiej, z. 67, Nr 1214, 2017, s. 165-1730137-2599Brak expID paper presents the issue of lack of university-business cooperation. Theoretical attention was put into E-Business definition, Problem Based Learning at Lodz University of Technology and European Union Research focused on higher education institution and company’s relationship in Poland. In the article the solution for communication improvement was introduced. The innovative platform placed on a university website was described. Such platform will help to establish new relationships and extend existing ones.application/pdfplWspółpraca uniwersytecko-biznesowakomunikacja wirtualna platrformaE-BusinessUniversity-Business Cooperationvirtual platformAn innovative platform which helps to establish and to extend universitybusiness cooperationArtykuł