Ostrowski, Marcin2023-09-252023-09-252023Ostrowski M., Simulation of the Quantum Heat Engine in the Quantum Register. W: Progress in Polish Artificial Intelligence Research 4, Wojciechowski A. (Ed.), Lipiński P. (Ed.)., Seria: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej Nr. 2437, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2023, s. 373-379, ISBN 978-83-66741-92-8, doi: 10.34658/9788366741928.59.978-83-66741-92-8http://hdl.handle.net/11652/4835https://doi.org/10.34658/9788366741928.59This paper investigates whether a quantum computer can efficiently simulate the transfer of excitation between a pair of quantum systems with energy loss caused by photon or phonon emission. The main contribution of our work is an algorithm that enables the simulation of time evolution of such a system, implemented on a standard two-input gates. The paper examines the properties of the proposed algorithm and then compares the obtained results with theoretical predictions.enDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkuFair use conditionquantum simulationsexcitation transferquantum heat enginesymulacje kwantowetransfer wzbudzeniakwantowy silnik cieplnySimulation of the Quantum Heat Engine in the Quantum RegisterRozdział - monografiaLicencja PŁLUT License10.34658/9788366741928.59