Pawlak, Ryszard2019-04-262019-04-262019Pawlak R., Laserowe mikrotechnologie materiałowe: wybrane zastosowania w elektronice i elektrotechnice., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2019, ISBN 978-83-7283-985-5, doi: 10.34658/9788372839855.978-83-7283-985-5 okładki: Pawlak, MałgorzataThis monograph is devoted entirely to material laser technologies accomplished in a microscale for the needs of electronics and electrical engineering as well as related fields of science and technology, such as mechatronics and microsystems technologies. Lasers perform complex technological tasks, in many cases impossible to achieve using other tools, in these modern fields of technology. Material microtechnologies using lasers are presented in separate chapters from two points of view: of their specificity, and of the special, decisive role played by the use of a laser beam in them. Types of laser technological operations in materials engineering, with reference to applications in electronics and electrical engineering are presented. The description of phenomena accompanying the interaction of a laser beam with materials that form the basis of technological processes in a microscale, is presented in this monograph in a condensed form that facilitates the reader's own assessment of the capabilities of laser microtechnology.plDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkuFair use conditionlaserylaserowe systemy mikrotechnologicznelaserowe mikrotechnologie w skali 3Dlaserowe mikrotechnologie 2Dlutowanie laserowemikrospawanie laserowelaser material microtechnologieslaser applications in electronicslaser applications in electrical engineeringlaser microtechnologieslaser micromachining processesLaserowe mikrotechnologie materiałowe: wybrane zastosowania w elektronice i elektrotechniceLicencja PŁLUT License10.34658/9788372839855