Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard2024-04-242024-04-242017Tadeusiewicz R., Problemy etyczne związane z wykonywaniem zawodu inżyniera. W: Inżynier z duszą humanisty, Sośnicka J. (Red.)., Seria: Monografie Politechniki Łódzkiej Nr 2249, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2017, s. 93-102, ISBN 978-83-7283-895-7, doi: 10.34658/9788372838957.6978-83-7283-895-7http://hdl.handle.net/11652/5282https://doi.org/10.34658/9788372838957.6Many times and in many ways I have already said that if one wants to be a valuable engineer, the true creator of modern civilization, aside from necessary technical knowledge, he also needs some humanistic reflection. Ethical requirements are included in many professions. Known is the Hippocrates' oath, which doctors must lay before the people give them their health and life. However, the relationship of the engineering profession with ethics does not seem so obvious at first glance. Yet, on the contrary, ethical requirements must be included in engineering activities due to the profound and far-reaching consequences of civilizational discoveries made on the ground of technical sciences. Through the tremendous influence it exerts on our lives, technology cannot be viewed as morally indifferent. Humanity can be an invaluable aid in properly evaluating the direction of technology development as well as specific solutions and specific inventions.plDla wszystkich w zakresie dozwolonego użytkuFair use conditioninżynier a refleksja etycznawymagania etyczne w zawodachprawda filozofa a prawda inżynierainżynier XXI wiekuengineer and ethical reflectionethical requirements in professionsthe philosopher's truth and the engineer's truthengineer of the 21st centuryProblemy etyczne związane z wykonywaniem zawodu inżynieraEthical problems associated with the engineering professionrozdział - monografiaLicencja PŁLUT License10.34658/9788372838957.6