Wydział Biotechnologii i Nauk o Żywności / Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences / W5
Stały URI zbioruhttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/5
Pozycja 4-furanyl and 4-thiophenylbutan-2-one oximes(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2007) Bonikowski, Radosław; Balawejder, Maciej; Sikora, Magdalena; Kula, JózefOximes of 4-(furan-2-yl)butan-2-one, 4-(furan-3-yl)butan-2-one, 4-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)butan-2-one, 4-(thiophen-2-yl)butan-2-one, 4-(5-methylthiophen-2-yl)butan-2-one and 4-(3-methyl-thiophen-2-yl)butan-2-one have been synthesized. The sensory analysis revealed interesting and complex properties of methyl furan derivative: green, weed-like, similar to herb and flower of nettle. Replacement of oxygen atom by sulfur one in the aromatic ring resulted in creation of smell associated with food.Pozycja 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Content in Selected Food Products(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2015) Mańkowska, Dorota; Majak, Iwona; Łącka, Agata; Słownianek, Marta; Bartos, Adrian; Leszczyńska, Joanna5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a common component of heat treated, drying or stored for a long time food products. It is an intermediate product formed in the Maillard reaction as a result of thermal dehydration of reducing sugars (1-2). HMF is also formed during caramelisation while degradation of carbohydrates at high temperature (3). HMF is responsible for the sensory properties of food, especially for the pleasant flavor. Although it is relatively safe food component, there are reports regarding toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of HMF, and of 5-sulphoxymethylfurfural especially, an allylic sulfuric acid ester metabolite from HMF (4-6). The content of HMF in the various products vary within a wide range and depends on the food group type as well as the type of processing. In present work, the HMF content in different types of breakfast cereals, cookies and muesli as well as in several types of bakery products commercially available in Poland was determined. In addition, the influence of flavor and taste additives (honey, cocoa, dry fruits) as well as the type of cereals (gluten or gluten-free) on the HMF content in the tested products was examined.Pozycja 5-hydroxymethylfurfural content in selected gluten- and gluten-free cereal food products(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2017) Mańkowska, Dorota; Majak, Iwona; Bartos, Adrian; Słowianek, Marta; Łącka, Agata; Leszczyńska, Joanna5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was determined with HPLC method in forty one food samples, including gluten-free, breakfast cereals and bakery products. The highest concentration of HMF was found in wheat bread with cranberries (210 mg kg-1) and in breakfast cereals – honey wheat loops (85.099 mg kg-1). In contrast, wholegrain oatmeal and gluten-free sponge cakes had the lowest HMF level of all tested samples, below the detection limit and 0.485 mg kg-1, respectively. In most cases, lack of gluten coincided with the lowest HMF content readings (average 8.488 mg kg-1). The impact of the type of sugar, especially glucose, on the HMF concentration in food is apparent. Sweetened breakfast cereals, with the average content of HMF at 25.55 mg kg-1, took lead over dietary products (8.488 mg kg-1) and bakery products (18.395 mg kg-1), with the exception for wheat bread with cranberries. These cereals contained glucose or glucose-fructose syrup.Pozycja Abiotic Determinants of the Historical Buildings Biodeterioration in the Former Auschwitz II – Birkenau Concentration and Extermination Camp(Lodz University of Technology. Press, 2014) Piotrowska, Małgorzata; Otlewska, Anna; Rajkowska, Katarzyna; Koziróg, Anna; Nowicka-Krawczyk, Paulina; Wolski, Grzegorz J.; Gutarowska, Beata; Kunicka-Styczyńska, Alina; Żydzik-Białek, AgnieszkaThe paper presents the results of a study conducted at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświecim on the occurrence of biodeterioration. Visual assessment of the buildings revealed signs of deterioration of the buildings in the form of dampness, bulging and crumbling plaster, and wood fiber splitting. The external surfaces, and especially the concrete strips and ground immediately adjoining the buildings, were colonized by bryophytes, lichens, and algae. These organisms developed most intensively close to the ground on the northern sides of the buildings. Inside the buildings, molds and bacteria were not found to develop actively, while algae and wood-decaying fungi occurred locally. The factors conducive to biological corrosion in the studied buildings were excessive dampness of structural partitions close to the ground and a relative air humidity of above 70%, which was connected to ineffective moisture insulation. The influence of temperature was smaller, as it mostly affected the quantitative composition of the microorganisms and the qualitative composition of the algae. Also the impact of light was not very strong, but it was conducive to algae growth.Pozycja Accumulation of metal ions in selected plants from Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae families(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Szczodrowska, Agnieszka; Kubalt, Kamila; Smolińska, Beata; Leszczyńska, JoannaThis paper examines the accumulation of metal ions from soil in selected edible plants belonging to the Brassicaceae and Lamiaceae families. The effect of metal ions on factors, such as growth and morphology are also investigated. The results indicate that the addition of selected metal ions to the soil significantly increases the concentration of metal ions in the plants. The application of zinc ions significantly enhances Zn uptake in Ocimum basilicum and Mentha piperita (Lamiaceae family). Nickel ions significantly increase Ni accumulation in Lepidium sativum (Brassiaceae family). The research shows that nickel, zinc and copper accumulate in leaves at different concentrations depending on the plant species.Pozycja Acid whey as a medium for cultivation of conventional and non-conventional yeasts(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Dudkiewicz, Marta; Berlowska, Joanna; Kregiel, DorotaThe aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of different yeast strains to grow on acid whey and assimilate different carbon sources. Twenty different yeasts (with GRAS status) were tested, sourced from the LOCK105 Culture Collection (Poland) and the National Collection of Yeast Cultures (Great Britain). The acid whey, from cows was characterized in terms of it main chemical components (carbohydrates, organic acids, aminoacids, FAN, total nitrogen) using HPLC techniques and chemical methods. The best producer of biomass (of conventional yeast strains) was S. cerevisiae Ja64 (biomass yield 1.16 g of dry mass/l), while among non-conventional yeasts the highest increase of biomass showed the strain D. hansenii, reaching the biomass yield of 1.12 g of dry mass/l.Pozycja Activity of compounds of natural origin against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, a common fruit juices contaminant(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Tyfa, Agnieszka; Kunicka-Styczyńska, Alina; Dąbrowska, JustynaFruit product industry struggles with emerging problem of microbial contamination with Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. This acidothermophilic, soil-borne and sporeforming bacterium posses ability to survive commercial pasteurization and thus may cause fruit juices spoilage. Even modern technologies are not effective enough to eliminate A. acidoterrestris from the industrial environments. The green consumer attitude and safety standards suggest adaptation of natural and safe solutions. This paper summarizes the bioactivity of compounds of natural origin which could serve as anti-alicyclobacilli preservation agents maintaining stability of fruit juices.Pozycja Activity of compounds of natural origin against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, a common fruit juices contaminant(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2015) Tyfa, Agnieszka; Kunicka-Styczyńska, Alina; Dąbrowska, JustynaFruit product industry struggles with emerging problem of microbial contamination with Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. This acidothermophilic, soil-borne and sporeforming bacterium posses ability to survive commercial pasteurization and thus may cause fruit juices spoilage. Even modern technologies are not effective enough to eliminate A. acidoterrestris from the industrial environments. The green consumer attitude and safety standards suggest adaptation of natural and safe solutions. This paper summarizes the bioactivity of compounds of natural origin which could serve as anti-alicyclobacilli preservation agents maintaining stability of fruit juices.Pozycja Advantages of lignite addition in purification process of soil polluted by heavy metals(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2012) Król-Domańska, Katarzyna; Smolińska, BeataEnvironmental contamination by heavy metals represents a potential threat for plants, animal and humans. The metals do not undergo biodegradation. Many of them are soluble in water, therefore become more available for living systems and accumulate in the environment, especially in soil. This paper presents properties of brown coal (lignite) which show that this substance can be use as cheap and efficient sorbent in soil contaminated by heavy metals.Pozycja Aktywność wybranych olejków eterycznych wobec mikrobiota skóry(Institute of General Food Chemistry. Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences., 2012) Maroszyńska, Marta; Kunicka-Styczyńska, Alina; Tyfa, AgnieszkaPozycja Analiza chromatograficzna i izolacja składników olejków eterycznych z liści i drewna Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin(Institute of General Food Chemistry. Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences., 2007) Włodarczyk, Maciej; Kalemba, Danuta; Szumny, Antoni; Cisowski, WojciechPozycja Analiza jakościowa i ilościowa olejku eterycznego z chrzanu pospolitego (Armoracia rusticana)(Institute of General Food Chemistry. Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences., 2012) Biskupska, Marta Anna; Śmigielski, Krzysztof; Szczęsna-Antczak, MirosławaPozycja Analiza obrazu mikroskopowego w badaniach biodegradacji PE modyfikowanych skrobią(Politechnika Łódzka, 2001) Kuberski, S.; Zarzycki, R.; Żakowska, Z.; Stobińska, H.; Piątkiewicz, A.Folie polietylenowe modyfikowane skrobią w ilości 10% i 20% poddane zostały biodegradacji przy użyciu wyselekcjonowanych aktywnych amylolitycznie szczepów z grupy bakterii, promieniowców i grzybów strzępkowych. Kontrolę biodegradacji folii przeprowadzono na podstawie analizy obrazu mikroskopowego. Stwierdzono, że po 30 dniach inkubacji folie zawierające 10% skrobi nie wykazały żadnych objawów degradacji. Na folii zawierającej 20% skrobi wystąpiły ogniska ubytku ziaren skrobi, głównie w wyniku rozwoju A. niger, A. oryzae, a także promieniowca (szczep 33).Pozycja Analiza wybranych składników odżywczych w żeńszeniu amerykańskim (Panax quinquefolium L.) uprawianym w Polsce(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2006) Dolot, Magdalena; Śmigielski, Krzysztof; Wesołowska, MonikaW pracy przedstawiono przeprowadzone badania z zakresu analizy wybranych składników odżywczych polskiej uprawy żeńszenia amerykańskiego (Panax quinquefolium L.). Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na analizę zawartości tłuszczu oraz składu kwasów tłuszczowych w różnych częściach żeńszenia pochodzących z różnego okresu wegetacji rośliny.Pozycja Analysis of selected toxic metals using bacterial biosensors and their macromolecular derivatives(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Bartos, AdrianThis short review presents a number of bacterial transcription mechanisms dependant on metal occurrence in growth environment. Metallic ions such as mercury, cadmium or zinc evoke genetic response, which then can be engineered and utilized to reprogram cells. Recombinant biosensors could be applied in detection and quantification of trace amounts of toxic metals. The article presents a few examples of such use and also touches upon other related approaches where sensitivity to metals was a backbone for an idea to measure metal concentrations.Pozycja Analysis of the selected antioxidant compounds n ice cream supplemented with Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) extract(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2018) Szmejda, Klaudia; Duliński, Robert; Byczyński, Łukasz; Karbowski, Adrian; Florczyk, Tomasz; Żyła, KrzysztofThe research is aimed at evidencing that ice-cream formulations incorporating algae can have health-benefiting effects on human body. The main task of the project is to design ice-cream product line that distinguish itself from regular ice-cream by increased anti-oxidant activity resulted from inclusion of the algae extract. The currently known research evidences that ice-cream can be effective as carriers of health-promoting probiotic bacteria, which in turn encourages also application of other microorganisms in particular algae of specific strains (e.g. Spirulina platensis) as a supplement to ice-cream. In submitted research, the level of polyphenols and antioxidant activity expressed as degree of inhibiting generation of cationo-free radical from DPPH•+ solution were analyzed. Preliminary results based on antioxidative activity tests measured with potential to quench free radicals have shown that ice-cream formulations enriched with algae extract exhibit significantly higher potential achieving inhibition level of 39.7% in the mint ice cream samples as compared to 32.8% inhibition for the control sample without algae. Furthermore, each of the examined samples (dairy, pistachio, mint) ice creams versions supplemented with Spirulina were characterized by enhanced antioxidant activities expressed as potential to quench free radicals and the carotenoids content.Pozycja Anti-adhesion activity of mint (Mentha piperita L.) leaves extract against beverage spoilage bacteria Asaia spp.(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2016) Antolak, Hubert; Czyżowska, Agata; Kręgiel, DorotaThe production of a functional beverage, supplemented with fruit flavourings meets the problem of microbiological contamination. The most frequent source of such spoilage is the bacteria from the relatively newly discovered genus Asaia. It causes changes in organoleptic properties, creating turbidity, haziness and distinctive sour odour as well as biofilm on production lines which are responsible for secondary contamination of products. For this reason, new methods using natural preservatives are being developed to minimize this microbiological contamination. The application of some plant extracts as an additives in functional beverages production is presumed to have a beneficial effect on reducing adhesive abilities of the bacteria. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of mint leaves extract on the Asaia lannensis and Asaia bogorensis adhesive abilities to polystyrene. The bacterial adhesion was analysed by means of plate count method and luminometric tests. Additionally, plant extract was subjected to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, in order to check polyphenols content. Results indicates that 10% (v/v) addition of mint extract significantly reduced Asaia spp. adhesion to polystyrene. Due to the presence of bioactive compounds in the used extract, it can be used as an additive to increase microbiological stability as well as health promoting values of beverages.Pozycja Anti-oxidative Activity of Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0908 Towards 2-Amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) And 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2015) Nowak, AdrianaNowadays, humans are exposed to increasingly harmful xenobiotic substances which diffuse from the contaminated environment to food. Additionally, thermal processing of food, especially of meat, gives rise to pyrolytic products, such as heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs). HAAs may be linked to an increased cancer incidence in such organs as the colon, breast, stomach and liver. Carcinogenic mechanisms of HAAs include the initiation of tumours through reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, resulting in the formation of oxidised DNA bases, apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites, or DNA strand breaks (Brown et al., 2014). ROS may participate in HAA-induced tumour development. HAAs can cause significant oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins in the human body. The Lactobacillus bacteria are regarded as beneficial for host health, and they are most often used as probiotics. The human colon microbiota and probiotics are important factors that may play a major role in preventing colorectal cancer. One of the mechanism is antioxidative activity, which involves the detoxification of ROS (Koller et al., 2008).Pozycja Antibodies as tools to detect free metal ions in food extracts and beverages: myth or reality?(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2015) Bartos, AdrianImmunospecificity to free metal ions has been described in few scientific manuscripts. These rare instances include reports on antibodies with affinity towards soluble mercury (II) [1,2] or lead (II) [3]. This is contradictory to the most common approach, where protein carriers are first conjugated to the metal [4,5]. In most articles it is usually the macromolecular complex that stimulates allergenicity and binds IgG in a subsequent in-vitro assay.Pozycja Antimicrobial Activity and Filtration Effectiveness of Nonwovens with Sanitized for Respiratory Protective Equipment(Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres, 2014) Gutarowska, Beata; Skóra, Justyna; Nowak, Ewelina; Łysiak, Izabela; Wdówka, MalwinaThe objective of the study was to optimise the production of bioactive filtration nonwovens with Sanitized® T 99-19, containing quaternary ammonium salts, by evaluating different production technologies (melt-blowing, needle punching), methods of biocide incorporation (bath, spraying), biocide concentration, and conditioning. The antimicrobial activity of nonwovens was tested against different microorganisms, from culture collection and workplaces, using the method AATCC 100. It was shown that the biological efficiency of nonwovens rose when the concentration of Sanitized was increased from 0.7% to 2%. Furthermore, higher biological activity was found in nonwovens subjected to a bath than in those which underwent spraying. The conditioning process did not significanty affect the antimicrobial activity of the nonwovens tested. As compared to melt-blown nonwovens, the needled variety were more efficient against both collection strains and those isolated from workplaces. Thus both types of nonwovens may be used for the production of bioactive halfmasks protecting the respiratory tract of workers exposed to microorganisms