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Pozycja Gender i nauki techniczne. Sprawiedliwość, innowacyjność, rzetelność(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Hyży, EwaDue to the increased diversity of society, homogeneous group of researchers and producers in most areas, but especially in those dealing with the planning and production of our material reality, cannot satisfactorily fulfill constantly emerging new needs and expectations. To affect the greater participation of women in those areas, the continues struggle against stereotypes, and anti-gender ideologies, seems to be necessary. Therefore, the inclusion of the gender issues into engineering studies is a must. The beneficial attempt to influence the change of the traditional technological standards, social and gender consciousness, could also promotied a cost effectiveness of production. The international project “Gender Innovations” helps to carry outy those endeavors already for several years.Pozycja Humanista i inżynier w czasach postprawdy i zapowiadanej osobliwości (singularity)(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Batko, RomanToday, the humanities and engineering sciences are distant from each other and look at each other with growing distrust. Engineers, equipped with their empirical, mathematical workshop instrumentation stand by the authority of existing scientific laws, whereas representatives of the humanities, who treat the inferiority complexes of those who cannot offer our civilization anything of practical or tangible use, look down on engineers. We are living in post-modern times in which scientific findings are questioned and distrusted, and study results by outstanding scholars are considered mere opinions, views or positions. Solid education has been replaced by "narratives" and fake news.Pozycja Humanista w świecie techniki - technik w świecie wartości(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Kiepas, AndrzejThe article presents the relations between the human and technological sciences in the context of the C.P. Snowe’s idea of two cultures. Today, this division is losing its importance which has also been visible in the philosophy of technology and in its changes. The traditional and the newest philosophies of technology propose a fundamentally different understanding of technology. The changes are connected with stressing the connections rather than differences between the human technological sciences. For example, the necessity of cooperation arises in cases of: implementation of the concept of technology assessment and growth of the meaning of risk in modern civilization. It should find its place in the education of engineers by including the problems of STS (science, technology and society) in the programs of their education.Pozycja Humanista z duszą humanisty...(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Lubacz, JózefThe title of this paper is provocative with respect to the title of the book. The aim was to indicate that the latter may be interpreted as suggesting that a humanistic attitude in engineers is a rare virtue, and thus that engineering fits well into the Two Cultures divide that was famously discussed by. C.P. Snow. This paper pertains to this problem from the perspective of human creative activity. It is argued that if considered on a sufficiently abstract level, human creative activity shows features that are domain-independent. This pertains, in particular, to epistemic activity (which deals with “what is”) as well as to poietic activity (which deals with “what is to be”). The main conclusion is that understanding the commonality of epistemic and poietic activity may help in overcoming the Two Cultures syndrome.Pozycja Humanistyka w świecie edukacji technicznej(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Sommer, HannaThis article draws attention to the role of the humanities in the context of the development of the world of technologies and engineering efficiency. Both of these areas play a very important role in the functioning of societies. The modern labour market is looking for well educated professionals who can work in even the most distant fields of knowledge. At present, it is not enough to have a narrow profile education. Humanities and social sciences should play an important role in technical education as it is people who are the creators of technological progress. People of the 21st century should be sensitive and able to use his knowledge wisely. A well-educated "humanist engineer" in his work should be the guarantor of the primacy of humans over the technique (technology?).Pozycja Humanizm i transhumanizm w kształceniu technicznym i w technice(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Rarot, HalinaThis article concerns the problem of a new engineering model adequate to the challenges of the 21st century. It contains the results of searching for differ-ent models of humanization of technical education that could solve the important issue of ethical and axiological engineering education. The idea of transhuman-ism, which tries to determine the direction of the development of technology and of man himself, towards his new forms of transhuman and posthuman, is also presented.Pozycja Inżynier i filozofia(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Sikora, MarekThe following paper draws our attention to the need to include philosophy in engineering education. Figuratively speaking, on the one hand, the main aim of the philosophy classes conducted by technical institutes is to show how such fields of science as the sciences, natural sciences and applied sciences can be entwined; and, on the other hand, to focus on the humanistic investigations of the cases given. Moreover, the above mentioned objective has been successfully addressed by the leading Technical Institutes all over the world. To give an example, let us comment on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgia Insti-tute of Technology. Both Institutes are well known for providing their students with good quality humanistic programmes. As it has been frequently emphasised by one of the most distinguished philosophers Noam Chomsky, the intentions and goals of Technical Institutes are much more relevant to the intentions and goals of Universities than to the intentions and goals of higher vocational schools. Furthermore, the main purpose of the philosophy classes at the technical institutes is to prepare students for the struggles and challenges of the contemporary world. Thus, a philosopher not only ought to be critical towards the gullible fascination regarding technology, but she should also be able to demonstrate that technology is a part of a bigger whole, which contains natural as well as social sciences. Additionally, such a philosopher should be able to disclose correlations between sciences and technology. Further, he should be able to analyse the development of both fields as the dynamic process which deeply relies on society and is grounded in it. Lastly, a philosopher should not only pay special attention to the problems of desirable and undesirable advances and achievements of science and technology, but also question the social responsibility of scientists, engineers and technicians.Pozycja Inżynieria bez podmiotu? Problem odpowiedzialności oraz standartów humanistycznych w społeczeństwie technokratycznym(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Wadowski, JanIn the first part of the paper, the author defines two notions: that of an engineer and that of a humanist. The engineer must be sensitive to the values that constitute our humanity. Engineering is only an element which serves man to facilitate the quality of his life. There is, however, the danger of the development of subject-free engineering which already operates in a ‘ballistic’ and impersonal way. Despite all this, at the heart of engineering we find the humanistic and axiological nucleus which contains the conviction that all that is technical has rational and good indications. The syndrome of contempt for society appears (Horkheimer). Today, it is essential that the engineer is guided by the humanist approach because it will enable him to construct favorable conditions for diverting various dehumanized standards. Engineering without a humanist nucleus is/can be dangerous for man and for nature.Pozycja Kompetencje inżyniera - dokąd zmierzamy?(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Kraśniewski, AndrzejToday’s innovative economy requires engineers who, aside from having specialized knowledge and skills, know and understand non-technical aspects of engineering practice and possess adequate transferable skills. This is reflected in the requirements presented in the form of learning outcomes by several national and international engineering accreditation bodies, such as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, established in the United States, but operating also in many other countries around the world. These global trends are also reflected in our National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. One of the key abilities of a contemporary and future engineer is to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. In this paper, experiences with teaching a special project-intensive course aimed at the development of this ability offered at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, are presented.Pozycja Nasz absolwent: światły człowiek, dobry specjalista(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Chmielecka, EwaThe article consists of two interwoven threads about the tasks facing technical universities in the context of their didactic activities: humanistic reflection about required personal qualities of the alumni and analysis of the formal requirements connected with the proposed and existing education programmes. Both of these threads begin reflection by two elements of educa-tion: knowledge and skills, and later they concentrate on the attitudes (social competences) of the alumni. University teachers and universities have ethos obligations to form not only knowledge and skills, but also the attitudes of their students. The analysis of European and Polish Qualifications Framework descriptors allows description of the expected alumni qualifications also in the sphere of “social competences”. It is appropriate then, to ask the question whether or how Polish universities understand and form attitudes / social competences. Our alumni should not only be skilled professionals, but also at the same time en-lightened people, who know how to use knowledge and skills for social and personal benefits. They should have a habit of value judgement reflection concerning their personal activities and also their active citizenship and personal development. The next part of the article contains the overview of the methods which allow us to improve such attitudes.Pozycja Nauka w czasach biurokracji(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Morawski, RomanThis chapter is on the detrimental impact of bureaucracy on science in Poland. After general considerations, concerning the nature of this phenomenon and its development in Western civilization, several bureaucracy-induced problems, the specifics of scientific functioning, are identified, viz.: the quan-tophrenia in the evaluation of scientific achievements, the overgrowth of the system of individual research grants, and a corruptiogenic system of remuneration in academic institutions. The negative impact of those factors on the productivity of research in sciences and humanities is demonstrated, as well as on the condition of related academic milieus. In particular, the mechanisms of the destructive impact of those factors on the academic ethos are disclosed. Although no remedies are explicitly proposed, preferred solutions may be inferred from the presented analysis of the Polish implementation of the academic capitalism imported from the United States without regard to the historical, cultural and social context.Pozycja O potrzebie etycznych podstaw dla edukacji globalnej(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Ciążela, Helena; Bernat, PawełThe concept of global education is based on the recognition of the world as a network of interdependencies and on realizing the fact that the current direction of the development of civilization leads to environmental and humani-tarian disaster. On the other hand, there is a belief that there is still a chance to change this state of affairs by means of education. The purpose of education is recognized as not only a transfer of knowledge but also as a transfer of morals that is able to generate a shift in attitudes. In order to strengthen the impact of the global education project it is necessary to provide a coherent description and axiological analysis of the values behind it. In the paper, we argue that ethicists should work on building philosophical arguments for the development and implementation of global education programs. We argue further that such a philosophical framework should be based on the ideas of new humanism (proposed by Aurelio Peccei) and global responsibility (formulated by Hans Jonas).Pozycja Pół stulecia Politechniki Opolskiej - na drodze do wiedzy, edukacji i rozwoju, także dla inżyniera z duszą humanisty(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Kalczyńska, MariaIn 2016, The Opole University of Technology celebrated its 50th anniversary. As an educational and research institution, it has realized tasks imposed by the Higher Education Law, that is: determining students' technological profile with humanistic predispositions. It gives students the possibility to think independently, critically and creatively. Nowadays, a narrow specialization knowledge is not sufficient, and a broad understanding for the changes taking place in the world is key. The Opole University of Technology has seven faculties. The university is continuously growing and it can boast of the innovation process in education as well as the involvement of workers in the education process. The university cooperates with institutions from Asian countries which have the only Museum of X-ray tubes in the world.The Faculty of Construction and Architecture educates through art, the Faculty of Electronics, Automatics and Computer Science analyses the improvement of human intelligence which is important in searching for humanistic competences. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, according to the humanistic course catalogue, focuses on social communication and personal development issues. Students have a lot of possibilities for academic activities: 36 academic students’ associations, a choir, orchestra and university radio. The teachers include: Dr. Wacław Hepner – initiator of Flying Car and Vehicle Museum; Prof. Jerzy Hickiewicz – electrician, and is passionate about the history of electrical and the Polish Borderlands; Prof. Lech Nawrocki – zoo-technician, compositor and writer. Technical universities should improve the humanistic knowledge of their students, and should create faculties, institutes or departments of Humanities for consolidating research related to this discipline.Pozycja Problemy etyczne związane z wykonywaniem zawodu inżyniera(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Tadeusiewicz, RyszardMany times and in many ways I have already said that if one wants to be a valuable engineer, the true creator of modern civilization, aside from necessary technical knowledge, he also needs some humanistic reflection. Ethical requirements are included in many professions. Known is the Hippocrates' oath, which doctors must lay before the people give them their health and life. However, the relationship of the engineering profession with ethics does not seem so obvious at first glance. Yet, on the contrary, ethical requirements must be included in engineering activities due to the profound and far-reaching consequences of civilizational discoveries made on the ground of technical sciences. Through the tremendous influence it exerts on our lives, technology cannot be viewed as morally indifferent. Humanity can be an invaluable aid in properly evaluating the direction of technology development as well as specific solutions and specific inventions.Pozycja Profesjonalizm w pracy zawodowej(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Hope, EwaThis article is an analysis of the notion of “professionalism” with a special consideration of technical professions. The author raised the problem of the inseparable connection between practices that respect ethical rules and acts at the workplace as a basis for choices which one can call “professional.”. The author proposes a triad of responsibility, knowledge and experience, which is not only a condition and a guarantee of professionalism, but also a proposition for overcoming common atrophy of moral values and adiaphorization of actions, which are consequences of using market regulation mechanisms to all the spheres of social life. The author underlines the importance of the category of responsibility especially in technical professions, where the representatives who transform material reality have a great influence on the shape of the future of mankind.Pozycja Projektowanie humanistyczne odczytane na nowo(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Gasparski, Wojciech W.This article is an attempt to re-interpret an earlier article on the humanistic meaning of design as conceptual preparation for action. An additional incentive is the assumption that humanistic design can now, if it is not a counter-proposal, at least to correct consumerism dominating in contemporary business. The humanistic perspective indicates human beings as subjects of the design, due to practical situations and their context. For this reason, it is necessary to strive to shape the social role of the design and social organization of design activity in such a way that the humanistic axiology is taken into account in the design solutions. Therefore, designers should not only be technical experts, but also trustworthy guardians.Pozycja Sztuczna inteligencja a edukacja humanistyczna specjalistów w dziedzinie nauk komputerowych(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Górniak-Kocikowska, KrystynaThe motivation and the starting point for this essay was the 1999 essay “Technik z duszą humanisty” by Maria Stolarska. In it, she argues how students in technical disciplines benefit from a liberal arts education. In my view, Stolarska’s arguments are still highly relevant today, despite some profound, paradigm-shifting changes caused by revolutionary break-throughs in science and technology which have taken place in recent decades.Pozycja Technonauka a przyszłość gatunku Homo sapiens(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Morawski, Roman Z.This chapter is on technoscience and the potential risks for the humanity it implies. The term technoscience refers to the result of integrating science and technology – the global system which includes academic and industrial research institutions, manufacturing companies and service providers, local and international agencies administering tests, as well as local and international organizations dealing with various aspects of global development. After general considerations concerning the origin and development of technoscience, several technoscience-induced problems, identified and analyzed by philosophers in the 20th century, are selected and put under scrutiny; these are in particular: the axiological repercussions of technoscience, its influence on the evolution of democracy and pandemic consumerism, the overgrowth of business approach in technoscience and social life, the probable waning of humaneness. Although no remedies are explicitly proposed, preferred solutions may be inferred from the presented critical analysis of the technoscience-induced problems.Pozycja Wokół zagadnień humanizacji studiów technicznych(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Ostasz, GrzegorzThis article is an attempt to answer questions that concern both the presence and place of the humanities at technical universities. It highlights the role of socalled additional disciplines, such as humanities in the intellectual-spiritual development of future engineers. Certainly, extracurricular activities need to be conducted in the right way. They must be interesting for the audience, persuade, and never discourage or be dissuasive. This article is based on the didactic experience of the author at Rzeszów University of Technology. It suggests the legitimacy of the correlation between technical sciences and well-understood humanities.