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Pozycja Uczenie się organizacyjne w oparciu o Zespoły Scrumowe(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Piwowarczyk, ZuzannaIn recent years, the dominant approach in the IT industry has become an agile approach to both project and enterprise management. In order to increase their flexibility, companies related to the production of IT products have declared and adopted actions according to the Scrum methodology. A survey carried out on the representatives of the population of IT companies allows for indicating companies’ actual activities in the Scrum methodology. The questions posed concern both implementing the assumptions of this methodology and the activities and characteristics of the learning organization. This allows for the analysis of the correlation between these two factors.Pozycja Wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju dla zarządzania branżą spożywczą(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Majtczak, MagdalenaRecently, the topic of sustainable development has been gaining popularity. The desire to improve the quality of the environment is becoming extremely important. Moreover, many noticeable changes have taken place in the food industry. From a national perspective, the choice is mainly for products from family-owned, traditional companies, marked on the label with the description bio, organic or eco. From the European perspective, the focus is on biodegradable packaging, technological innovation and adequate supply. The pandemic and increased customer awareness have also influenced the important requirements of sustainability. Many companies on the market support other companies in achieving a sustainable level, for example, by decarbonizing and reducing their carbon footprint. These changes are affecting our world; therefore, today’s society and economists are turning to other models and strategies for doing business.Pozycja Realizacja badań naukowych w zakresie efektywności kształcenia metodą QEEG(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Prauzner, Tomasz; Prauzner, KacperThis article presents the concept of assessing the cognitive process based on QEEG electroencephalographic research. Therefore, the main research problem is an attempt to answer the question of whether and to what extent the use of modern simulation programs in technical education affects the effectiveness of education? What are imagination and creativity in the creative process in terms of QEEG research? The effectiveness of education is a derivative of the activity of the cognitive process during learning. The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the work based on engineering projects carried out in the simulation program. Brain mapping using modern medical equipment allows for recording and observing the course of various waves and the magnitude of the potentials generated by the nervous system to determine the listener’s operability in the teaching process.Pozycja Od czerwieni do turkusu – refleksja na temat kultury organizacyjnej i młodych pokoleń(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Moskalski, Sebastian; Burlikowska, EwaOrganisational culture issues evolve along with the transformation of the labor market. It is also important to popularise the idea of turquoise organizations, which is of interest to an increasing number of management theorists and practitioners. An important issue for organizational culture is the professional functioning of the new generations – the „Zˮ generation, which is already present on the labor market, and the „Alphaˮ generation, which will enter adulthood in a few years. This article attempts to characterise synthetically various types of organizations. Based on the analysis of existing data, a list of expectations and challenges for young employees and employers is provided.Pozycja Potencjał zastosowania technologii blockchain w obszarze relacji z interesariuszami(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Kwiecień, KamilOrganisations should look after the interests and meet the expectations of a wide range of stakeholders. Therefore, it is necessary to properly shape that relationship. Stakeholder relationship management can be supported by emerging technologies such as blockchain. This study focuses on the potential associated with using this technology in the area of stakeholder relationshipPozycja Zarządzanie systemami opartymi o sztuczną inteligencję w teorii i praktyce(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Urbaniak-Mastalerz, IzabelaThis study presents the issues of managing systems based on artificial intelligence in theory and in practice based on actual cases. This article indicates selected problems related to the management of such systems based on artificial intelligence in the aspects of copyright, liability and the scope of regulations. The author will attempt to resolve the problem of how to interpret the most important issues related to the management of systems based on artificial intelligence in selected legal aspects. Based on the available statistics, conclusions from the issues discussed, available judgments and decisions of competent authorities in Poland and around the world will be the starting point for making an assessment in this area.Pozycja Znaczenie osoby lidera w efektywnym zarządzaniu zespołem wykonującym pracę zdalną(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Uram, Patrycja; Wilk, AngelikaManaging a team, building and creating it, and motivating its members to cooperate and realise individual tasks and projects require many important elements. This paper presents the results of leaders building effective team management in the context of remote work. One of the main objectives of this work was to characterize leaders to present the similarities and differences in the role of a leader working remotely and onsite, as well as the differences and similarities in managing a team working remotely and onsite. The author also proposes appropriate solutions to problematic issues.Pozycja Algorytmy sterowania sygnalizacją świetlną w procesie optymalizacji stanu skrzyżowań komunikacyjnych w miastach(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Malinowski, Dominik; Labuch, JolantaThis article presents the current state of knowledge on the optimisation of traffic light control systems. It describes the most important and commonly used traffic light control systems and the approaches for determining their optimal solutions. This article also presents the authors’ empirical research on a chosen intersection with particular a focus on time losses in given phase of the cycle. The authors also propose a device which allows for collecting and analysing the parameters of intersections in order to optimise the realtime parameters and to use the phases of this cycle.Pozycja Telemedycyna jako przełom systemu ochrony zdrowia(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Kida-Witek, Aneta; Ziemlińska, AlicjaTelemedicine is one of the answers to the growing need for the different kinds of medical services which one can see in society nowadays. The technological progress observed recently is a precursor of the development of telemedicine. The possibilities offered by telemedicine are advantageous for both the patient and the healthcare provider, and one of the main benefits is access to distance healthcare. This means medical care without the need for an in-clinic appointment or for patients or medical professionals to travel to the place of treatment. Recently, when we struggled with a pandemic and limited the amount of interpersonal contact. Therefore, the solutions brought by telemedicine appear to provide an effective and safe alternative to a significant part of in-clinic appointments. In Poland, however, there are still some barriers to disseminating these solutions, including limited technical possibilities, insufficiently defined effectiveness and financial efficiency and limited acceptance by the payer. This article presents the services and possibilities offered by telemedicine, its advantages and disadvantages from the doctors’ perspective and analyses its legal aspect.Pozycja Komunikacja niewerbalna jako element budowania wizerunku(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Silkina, KarolinaNonverbal communication plays a crucial role in the modern world. Gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, posture, touch, eye contact, clothing and accessories are just some of the elements that can be used to communicate nonverbally. This article aims to present issues related to nonverbal communication in an image-building context. This work will discuss and present aspects of non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions, kinesics, eye contact, proxemics, external appearance, touch, chronemics, paralinguistics and olfactics.Pozycja Skłonność firm rodzinnych do korzystania z rozwiązań pomocowych podczas pandemii COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Raczyńska, Ewa; Swałek, AleksandraFamily businesses are the dominant form of business in Europe. A family business is different to non-family businesses because they are distinguished by families and ensure the safety of family members, working family members and succession. Family businesses experienced the same problems during the pandemic as other businesses in their sectors. Apart from generating profit, family businesses are also responsible for ensuring the safety and survival of their family members. This article will present the restrictions placed on running a business during the lockdowns and assistance received from the government and the European Union. Empirical research was conducted in 422 family and non-family businesses from August to October 2021 using a Likert-based survey questionnaire. This article answers the main research questions: Were family businesses more inclined to use state assistance or less than non-family businesses? What were the most attractive forms of support for family businesses available during the COVID-19 pandemic? And how did this compare to non-family companies?Pozycja Ekonomia późnoscholastyczna z klasyczna myśl liberalna(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Lichomska-Milewska, EdytaLate-scholastic economics is still the most underrated discipline in the history of economic thought. In contrast, its contribution to the development of economics and the way of thinking about economic matters is worthy of attention. This article presents the economic thought of the late Spanish scholastics proving that with their concepts on economic affairs, they preceded the advent of many economic theories by centuries and even avoided some of the mistakes made by liberal thinkers. In the period when medieval scholars formulated their concepts, economic life differed significantly from modern economic reality. Nevertheless, many of their considerations concern issues that are still topical today and considered free-market ideas.Pozycja Finansowanie sportu profesjonalnego w Polsce przez samorządy terytorialne(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Grabowski, ArturProfessional sports (especially team sports, such as football, volleyball, handball, basketball, speedway and ice hockey) in Poland are financed with public funds. In particular, these funds are provided through communes, districts, Marshal Offices, and companies of the State Treasury. Providing financial support is done through granting subsidies (e.g. promoting the city through sport), purchasing shares or being the owner of a sports joint-stock company. This paper presents the legal basis for which municipal governments support professional sports. By using the case study method based on the example of sports clubs from various disciplines, the forms, methods and volume of public involvement in professional sports in our country have been shown. As a result of the conducted research, the model for financing professional sports in Poland, which differs from those existing in Western and Northern European countries, was emphasized because, in Poland, the pillars are public funds (from municipal governments). Moreover, the expansion and construction of sports infrastructure are carried out mainly with the participation of public funds (central and local). The further development of domestic sport and its professionalization will require greater market orientation of individual clubs.Pozycja Istotność niepozorności, czyli rozważania o smart contracts(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Mętrak, TymoteuszThis article pertains to smart contracts, i.e. an innovative way of concluding contracts, which is a potential alternative to classic contracts based on civil law. In the first part of the text, to illustrate the possible revolutionary role of smart contracts, two examples of inconspicuous discoveries and changes in history that have led to fundamental transformations in the world are discussed. Then, the smart contracts are characterised in relation to other types of contracts in terms of how the agreements concluded with them are enforced. Furthermore, this paper discusses the technical properties of these contracts as well as the advantages and disadvantages resulting therefrom in relation to classic contracts based on civil law. The summary suggests the possible future development of smart contracts as a way of concluding contracts that complement and coexist with civil law.Pozycja Projekt techniczny Sondy Akwizycji Głosu SAGv2(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Liwska, Anna; Szyłak, AdrianThis article presents current knowledge about swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), its epidemiology and characteristics. The author will analyse dysphagia risk factors and describe the common pathomechanism of dysphagia and dysphonia. So far, parameters of voice analysis in its significant conditions have not yet been clearly identified. Literature about this issue is also limited. The voice acquisition probes Sagv2 project was launched in response to this lack of knowledge. The main aim of this project is to provide a non-invasive examination of acoustic voice parameters during the phonation of the vowel “a”Pozycja W świecie współczesnej techniki – w stronę etyki odpowiedzialności(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Sośnicka, JoannaThe world has changed. This very poetic statement is certainly a truism. However, one only needs to think of this change in a qualitative sense, and this graceful sentence becomes truly profound. In ancient and pre-modern times, life did not, change very frequently. It was mainly determined by nature and a social circumstances. The pace of technological development over the last two centuries, however, has been constant in its acceleration. Moreover, what is equally significant, man’s natural environment began to change and lose its natural character. Being surrounded by more and more technical devices became “natural”. One may risk making the metaphorical claim that technology has supplanted its nature. About this “change” and its influence on man’s ethical actions, about possible evaluation of this change and about the place that ethics will have (or should have) in the new system treats the following text.Pozycja Sieci Bayesa w kontekście przewidywania toksyczności związków chemicznych(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Baran, KarolBayesian Belief Networks (BBN) are a graph structure for representing the relationships between descriptors and a target variable in a given data set. This study investigated the use of this algorithm in modeling the Quantitative Structure- Activity Relationship (QSAR) of chemical compounds using toxicity assessment as an example. Selected tests from a database containing toxicity information of 12,000 compounds for 12 different toxicity tests were used. The influence of parameters describing the representation of the compound was checked. In addition, toxicity prediction models were created for selected tests and a model predicting the outcome of several tests simultaneously (multi-target). The results indicate that the obtained models have relatively good accuracy and precision. Using multi-target models based on the BBN algorithm can lead to better predictions than models for predicting a single target variable.Pozycja Determinanty implementacji usługi IT(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Korpula, Wojciech; Szymański, GrzegorzThe quality of implementing IT services may be differentiated on the market. Nowadays, we have broad access to technology and scientific literature that support company strategies. What makes the difference is the KPI of IT service implementation, including (1) Time to deliver, (2) Cost, (3) Risk management, (4) Flexibility in implementation to react to global drivers (e.g. epidemic) during delivery. The purpose of this article is to answer questions regarding the components of service delivery. A good understanding of each stage and any related risks is crucial. Each phase has been described in detail with its associated challenges, starting with analysing the customer’s request and how IT companies can respond. The prepared analysis of the individual elements of the process is the basis for preparing the order fulfillment document. Once the customer and company have signed off, there will be more information on transitioning to the delivery team. In the delivery part of this document, we will dive into the implementation details. Descriptions of available and practically used methodologies and standards are provided. The summary will collect the results of the incorrectly addressed needs during the project, such as a wrong tool or methods used to deliver it.Pozycja Koncepcja zasobów niematerialnych w cyklu życia przedsiębiorstwa przyszłości(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Arszułowicz, NorbertThe article is based on the statement that the conception of intangible resources in the life cycle of an enterprise is a turning point for research on this issue. The author exposes the essence of intangible resources in enterprises in a new, original light – in the life cycle of the enterprise. The article seeks to answer how intangible resources will change in the life cycle of enterprises of the future.Pozycja Zmiany preferencji zakupowych artykułów sportowych w wyniku pandemii COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2022) Kożuch, DanielThe Covid-19 pandemic significantly impacted the private economic sphere of all. It caused, among other things, the necessity of changing how we meet different human needs, including shopping. The main aim of the research presented in this article is to show how shopping preferences have changed among consumers of sports goods as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article will present the results of two CAWI surveys conducted in January 2020 and April 2022, each time with a group of more than 100 respondents. The research focused on issues related to where purchases are made, how products are promoted and preferred payment methods. The research results showed a considerable change in shopping preferences in terms of sports goods, including chosen brands, payment methods and the place of shopping.