2012, Vol. 69 No. 1158
Stały URI dla kolekcjihttp://hdl.handle.net/11652/3637
Pozycja Włókna prekursorowe z nanokompozytu PAN do zastosowań medycznych i technicznych(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Szparaga, GrzegorzResearch of the conditions of manufacturing two types nanocomposite PAN precursor fibers was developed. Depending on the type introduced nanoadditive to the PAN fibres, the carbon fibres obtained on their basis will be used for medical or technical applications. In the group of the precursor fibers for medical applications the manufacturing conditions has been developed for fibers containing silver or a system of two nano-additives: silver and hydroxyapatite. It is expected that the carbon fibers obtained from this type of nanocomposite fibers will exhibit antibacterial, or antibacterial and osteoconductive activity, acting as scaffold for bone reconstruction. In the group of the precursor fibers for technical applications developed conditions for the production of nanocomposite PAN fibers containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes. It is expected that the presence of the oriented carbon structures (carbon nanotubes) in precursor at the stage of carbonization, can contribute to a graphite like structure of fibres already in the carbonization process. Based on the initial testing of carbonized fibers containing nano-silver and a system of two nano-additives (silver and hydroxyapatite) it was shown that the tensile properties of obtained carbon fibers are adequate for their medical use (500 MPa). Higher level of strength was obtained in case of the carbon fibers obtained from a precursor containing carbon nanotubes (900 MPa).Pozycja Antybakteryjne i antygrzybicze włókna poliamidowe(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Karpińska, AngelikaPrzedmiotem badań było otrzymanie antybakteryjnych i antygrzybiczych włókien i wyrobów poliamidowych (PA). Cel ten osiągnięto poprzez dwustopniową modyfikację wyrobów poliamidowych polegających na wprowadzeniu do makrocząsteczki PA grup karboksylowych metodą szczepienia monomerów winylowych, a następnie przyłączenie do tak modyfikowanych włókien odpowiedniego leku. Badania obejmowały: dobór parametrów reakcji szczepienia (I etap) oraz dobór stopnia szczepienia poli(kwasu akrylowego) lub poli(kwasu metakrylowego) na włóknach poliamidowych i stopnia napawania odpowiednim biocydem do wstępnie szczepionych wyrobów (II etap modyfikacji). Przeprowadzono badania in vivo działania drażniącego oraz ocenę mikrobiologiczną in vitro antybakteryjnych i antygrzybiczych właściwości modyfikowanych włókien i wyrobów poliamidowych do zastosowań medycznych.Pozycja Instrumentalna metoda oceny pillingu płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2012) Jasińska, IzabelaInstrumental method of pilling assessment is based on computer processing and analysis of the images of textile fabric samples. The principle of method consists in taking an image of fabric sample under defined conditions of machine vision scene, performing an image processing operation using RGB channel’s mix algorithm, making an image segmentation and calculating the value of the degree of surface filling by pilling. The degree of surface filling by pilling is the ratio of surface area occupied by the pilling to the total surface area of the sample. This paper presents the construction of a measuring stand and the procedure for pilling measurement using instrumental method. Then the qualitative model of the method was defined and potential factors, which may influence the measurement results, were identified and examined. These factors include adjusting parameters of measuring stand and environmental conditions. Furthermore, the metrological characteristics analysis of instrumental method was conducted as regards discrimination threshold and sensitivity. The analysis of adequacy of both instrumental and standard, organoleptic method shows that the test results obtained with both methods are closely correlated.Pozycja