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Pozycja Application of deferred annuities in an occupational pension scheme(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Gierusz, AnnaAim of this paper is to construct a model that would allow to calculate expected benefit amount in a scheme financed by SPDA, and to compare it with an amount that could be achieved in a traditional DC scheme. Second aim is to extend the concept of SPDA scheme to allow for the risk of high annuity prices to be shared between member and employer [...].Pozycja Co-housing of seniors – ’Open Popowice’ case study(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Dybał, MariuszThe paper presents findings from the “Open Popowice” [“Otwarte Popowice”] meeting that took place in September 28th, 2018. “Open Popowice” meeting in Wroclaw, Poland was organized as part of the inauguration of the Popowice Laboratory [Laboratorium Popowice]. This event was the first of the planned series of meetings and workshops with the inhabitants of Popowice as part of the Popowice Laboratory, ProPoLab in short. It was to examine the needs of residents, mostly seniors, in relation to public services and the involvement of Popowice district residents in the activities of the Popowice Laboratory (ProPoLab 2018b, p. 3).Pozycja Czech pension policy(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Vostatek, JaroslavThe transformation of the Czechoslovak predominantly Bismarckian pension system into the Czech predominantly Beveridgean system was influenced by the liberal policy of Klaus’ government and by the creation of a complicated and poorly understandable calculation of both newly granted old-age pensions and indexation (valorization) of pensions. Recently, the marketing approach of politicians on these issues has also contributed to strengthening the levelling of pensions. More than half of Czechs nevertheless prefer ‘Bismarck’ to ‘Beveridge’ [...].Pozycja Effectiveness of pension systems in post-Soviet countries – evaluation using the CCR model(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Banaś, DawidThe purpose of this publication was to show the most effective pension system among post-Soviet states. The author did this using the CCR model, which belongs to the group of models from the DEA method. This action will allow further analyses to show the essential features of an effective pension system so that other post-Soviet countries can model it and reform it. Besides the critical analysis of the literature on the subject, the article uses statistical analysis measures and, in line with the goal, an analysis of effectiveness using the CCR model. In the subsequent parts of the publication, interpretations of effectiveness are presented, the theoretical foundations of the DEA method are quoted, and have been showed the essence of the CCR model. Then, the process of the study was submitted, and the results got were discussed and it based the conclusions on them [...].Pozycja The effects of applying behavioral impulses (“nudges”) to stimulate the development of occupational pension schemes – comparative analysis(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Szczepański, MarekThis paper studies the effect of introducing automatic enrollment into workplace pensions in the following chosen countries: New Zealand, Great Britain, Turkey). The main aim of the research, preliminary results of which have been presented in this paper, was to seek an answer to a fundamental question: whether behavioral stimuli (nudges) proved to be effective in different countries and in different pension schemes, or whether there were significant differences in the strength of their impact. And if such differences were identified – what factors would influence the effectiveness of nudges in pension systems of different countries [...].Pozycja Employee Capital Plans – public policy analysis(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Kolek, AntoniThe purpose of this article is to determine on which axiological foundation the system of Employee Capital Plans (EPC) is based and to answer the questions: – how do the authorities want to achieve universal participation in EPC?– what obligations have been imposed on employers, and what are the expected benefits for enterprises?– will investing in EPC funds support the development of the Polish economy? In order to be able to answer the above questions, the first part of the study presents a method of analyzing public policy. Further, the work contains characteristics of behavioral economics mechanisms on which the main ECP institutions were based. Then the Author presents the obligations of employing entities and possible benefits to be achieved by entrepreneurs. In turn, the third part of this article presents the possible benefits for employees.Pozycja Employee Capital Plans in Poland – investment’s legal framework(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Prusik, AdrianEmployee capital plans are designed to create a long-term saving system for vast majority of employees in Poland. The main aim of the implementation of the PPK is to establish an effective, voluntary funded pension scheme. In political discourse, the PPK is mostly presented as a way of ensuring decent pensions and aims to supplement public pensions with income from pensioner’s own savings. In the economic discourse it is perceived as an alternative to existing long-term savings product for retirement purposes which “thanks to the use of innovative solutions derived from behavioral economics—would convince to save voluntarily for retirement and would contribute to a universal system of retirement savings’ accumulation” (Jedynak 2019, p. 35). The PPK is addressed to 11,4 million (according to data from 2018) of potential participants. The PPK will be tied with employment legal relations which are obligatory subjected to the public social security with exclusion of self-employed [...].Pozycja Equality of desert in the pension system from the gender perspective. The case of Poland(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Ratajczak, JoannaThe aim of the article is to operationalize equity with regard to one of the equity dimensions, i.e. the equity of desert within a generation in the pension system. In the next step the intergenerational (in)equity between women and men in the Polish (obligatory) pension system will be identified. The calculations will focus on the results of the descriptive microsimulation model, which bases on the female and male biographies and pension outcomes received from the new pension system.Pozycja Financial schemes for active ageing and elderly well-being improvement(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Mertl, JanThis paper aims to enlighten those issues and suggests prepaid health schemes as a supplementary financing scheme for voluntary healthcare provision, provided that the solid universal health care system is maintained well. At the same time, it tracks the changes in specific needs of the elderly and emphasizes the link to pension systems and their extensions as the reliable resource of financing voluntary care for the elderly. Methodologically we use empirical analysis of social system settings, SWOT analysis for the prepaid programmes, theoretical explanation of the financing mechanisms targeted at older age and general theory of public finance and social security [...].Pozycja Gender gap in retirement pensions in Spain. The impact of the maternity supplement(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Codorniu, Julia MontserratThe objective of this paper is to describe the gender gap in the contributive retirement pensions in Spain and to analyze the impact of the maternity supplement in this gap. This is done through an empiric study using data from the Continuous Working Life Sample (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales or MCVL in Spanish) corresponding to the year 2017 [...].Pozycja The glide-path mechanism in Employee Capital Plans(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Jakubowski, SebastianThe purpose of this research is to analyse the regulatory landscape for the glide-path mechanism implemented in the ECP system. To achieve this research objective the method of critical legal dogmatics and the economic analysis of law method were employed [...].Pozycja Impact of a pension system and an enterprise on employees’ retirement: an intergenerational context(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Chybalski, Filip; Gumola, MałgorzataThus, the goal of this paper is to identify and characterize main elements of this nexus in the context of retirement decisions taking intergenerational relations into account. We focus on the pension system’s impact (with its main parameter, which is a pensionable age (statutory retirement age)) on the employers’ behaviour, as well as the employers’ (workplace) impact on employees’ retirement decisions (reflected in effective retirement age). The paper is structured as follows. First, we present a pension system in an intergenerational context. Second, we attempt to discuss a pensionable age as a determinant of an enterprise activity in the role of an employer. The subsequent section tackles the issue of the possible impact of the employer on employees’ retirement decisions. The paper ends with a brief summary of issues discussed.Pozycja Impact of savings within the capital pension system on the flow of funds accounts(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Trębska, JoannaThe structure of the paper is the following. The first part is a brief literature review on saving reasons, paying special attention to savings aimed at securing old age. In the next part the structure of flow of funds accounts and the idea of the financial input-output model as a tool for simulation analyses are described. The third part is an short empirical report on the changes in households’ financial assets structure in Poland in 2000-2018 against the backdrop of the EU. Finally, simulation analysis results are presented. The concluding paragraph contains a brief summary and some directions of future research [...].Pozycja The importance of family: a macroeconomic perspective(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Komada, Oliwia; Malec, Magda[...] In the following part of the paper, we review both macroeconomics and family economics literature in the context of labor force participation, fertility choice, human capital accumulation, inequality and taxes, and social security. Depending on the policy in question, the literature proposes models with significantly different structures and features, e.g., types of heterogeneity, choice set, applied utility functions, and model timing. All of them contribute to the mechanism of the model and its fit to the data (Borella et al. 2018). We discuss below different model setups, with particular caution to policies' welfare effect. In this way, we provide a method guideline useful for future research.Pozycja Intra-family financial and non-financial support for pensioners: share survey results in 19 European countries(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Rajevska, OlgaThe present paper is based on the data of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in in Europe. The process of selecting and preparing the data for the analysis is outlined in section 2, as well as major descriptive statistics of the questionnaire respondents. The author hypothesized that the probability to give / receive financial and non-financial support may depend on the individual socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, living single or in a couple, having children, relative income level), as well as reciprocity practices in family and macro-level country specific characteristics (spending on old-age pensions, income inequality, at-risk-of-poverty rates). Section 3 discusses the results of the study, presenting the obtained proportions of intrafamily transfers in different European countries, as well as crude and adjusted regression coefficients.Pozycja Introduction(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Chybalski, Filip; Marcinkiewicz, EdytaPozycja Management approach to social housing to support the welfare of the elderly(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Marcinkiewicz, EdytaThis paper deals with the topic of social housing which supports seniors. Its aim is to identify the key aspects of social housing management with the older population as a target group. The link between effective functioning of the public sector and citizens’ welfare is evident. Therefore, in this paper special emphasis is placed on the managerial approach to social housing as a way of maximizing performance in delivering public services, with a special focus on satisfying the housing needs of the elderly. As the role of the public sector mainly applies to social housing, this area is of particular interest in this paper. However, other public governance interventions which are not directly connected with the delivery of public services are acknowledged (such as setting legal frameworks for the private sector in terms of housing regulations). As summarized by Hwang et al. (2019) previous research on housing from a customer’s perspective can be categorized into four broad areas: housing behavior, housing satisfaction, policy, and design. The authors also indicate fairly unexplored areas, such as adjustments in local policy to meet the growing demand for social housing for seniors, current housing stock assessment, housing modifications, including those involving technology. These aspects also refer to the challenges for institutions and entities which govern or manage housing stock. First, this paper discusses various management aspects at different governance levels (state, municipality, and housing organization) which are applicable to social housing in general, as well as with reference to older people. Second, it provides some statistics concerning the housing and the economic situation of the elderly population in European countries.Pozycja Pensions and elderly poverty in Turkey(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Değer, Çağaçan; Çağan, Semih[...] the aim of this study is to analyse the impact of pensions on elderly material well-being for the Turkish case, with an emphasis on poverty alleviation. The task is of an empirical nature that addresses two basic research questions. Firstly, we investigate the importance of diverse income sources for elderly individuals. Secondly, the impact of pensions on the poverty of elderly is studied. The paper proceeds with a literature review on measuring the elderly income sources and empirical works on poverty. Following section presents the data and the adopted analysis approach. The observations from the data are presented and the paper is concluded by a summary of the findings.Pozycja Retirement implications of life decisions in Poland(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Jajko-Siwek, AlicjaThis paper aims to show consequences of life decisions for the level of retirement benefits. We accomplish it by investigation of individual career paths which leads to adequate pension benefit, men and women, in the Polish Pension System. We examine, by using sequence analysis, the impact on the level of pension following variables: time of education, seniority and retirement age, and the number of children.Pozycja The role of family businesses in old age security(Lodz University of Technology Press, 2021) Olejnik, Iwona[...] the purpose of the paper is to identify the role of family companies in relation to both parties – parent founders and successors – in the context of security in future old age. Therefore, the paper firstly shows a review of the literature related to the perception of family businesses through the prism of old age security. The second part of the article presents the results of qualitative research conducted in this area.