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Pozycja 2D FSI determination of mechanical stresses on aneurismal walls(IOS Press, 2014) Veshkina, Natalia; Zbiciński, Ireneusz; Stefańczyk, LudomirIn this study, a fluid-structure interaction analysis based on the application of patient-specific mechanical parameters of the aneurismal walls was carried out to predict the rupture side during an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Realistic geometry of the aneurysm was reconstructed from CT data acquired from the patient, and patient-specific flow conditions were applied as boundary conditions. A newly developed non-invasive methodology for determining the mechanical parameters of the patient-specific aortic wall was employed to simulate realistic aortic wall behaviors. Analysis of the results included time-averaged wall shear stress (TAWSS), oscillatory shear index (OSI), and von Mises stress (VMS). Results of the TAWSS, OSI, and VMS were compared to identify the most probable region of the AAA's rupture. High OSI, which identified the region of wall degradation, coincided with the location of maximum VMS, meaning that the anterior part of the aneurismal wall was a potential region of rupture.Pozycja Application of LCA to Determine Environmental Impact of Concentrated Photovoltaic Solar Panels—State-of-the-Art(2021-05-27) Ziemińska-Stolarska, Aleksandra; Pietrzak, Monika; Zbiciński, Ireneusz; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. Lodz University of Technology.; Faculty of Chemistry. Lodz University of Technology.Photovoltaic systems represent a leading part of the market in the renewable energies sector. Contemporary technology offers possibilities to improve systems converting sun energy, especially for the efficiency of modules. The paper focuses on current concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) technologies, presenting data for solar cells and modules working under lab conditions as well as in a real environment. In this paper, we consider up-to-date solutions for two types of concentrating photovoltaic systems: high-concentration photovoltaics (HCPV) and low-concentration photovoltaics (LCPV). The current status of CPV solar modules was complemented by the preliminary results of new hybrid photovoltaic technology achieving records in efficiency. Compared to traditional Si-PV panels, CPV modules achieve greater conversion efficiency as a result of the concentrator optics applied. Specific CPV technologies were described in terms of efficiency, new approaches of a multijunction solar cell, a tracking system, and durability. The results of the analysis prove intensive development in the field of CPV modules and the potential of achieving record system efficiency. The paper also presents methods for the determination of the environmental impact of CPV during the entire life cycle by life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis and possible waste management scenarios. Environmental performance is generally assessed based on standard indicators, such as energy payback time, CO2 footprint, or GHG emission.Pozycja Application of Life Cycle Assessment to Analysis of Fibre Composite Manufacturing Technologies in Shipyards Industry(2024) Ziemińska-Stolarska, Aleksandra; Sobulska, Mariia; Pietrzak, Monika; Zbiciński, Ireneusz; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology; Faculty of Chemistry, Lodz University of TechnologyLife cycle assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate the environmental load of fibre composite manufacturing technologies in the shipyards industry in a frame of the Fibre4Yards (Horizon 2020) project. This paper is focused on the LCA of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) technologies used to produce all elements of the floating unit, i.e., the conventional vacuum infusion technology for the deck panel and adaptive mould process for superstructure panels, ultraviolet (UV) curved pultrusion process for the production of stiffeners, hot stamping technology for brackets, and three-dimensional (3D) printing and automatic tape placement (ATP) for pillars. Environmental impact was assessed based on standard indicators: Global Warming Potential, water consumption, and fossil resource scarcity. The results indicate that the total carbon footprint of analysed FRP technologies is mainly produced by the type of the materials applied rather than by the amount of energy consumed during the process.Pozycja Application of Neural Networks for Estimation of Paper Properties Based on Refined Pulp Properties(Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Ciesielski, Krzysztof; Olejnik, KonradThe main objective of the work presented was to determine the possibility of the prediction of paper properties based on refined chemical pulp properties using the neural network approach. Three main parameters related to basic refining effects were used: pulp and fibre WRV, the amount of fines and the average fibre length. These parameters were used for prediction of the following paper parameters: apparent density, breaking length and tear resistance. The classical multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer was used. The number of inputs and outputs was related to that of input and output variables. The size of the hidden layer (number of hidden neurons) was determined experimentally. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was used as a training method. The available dataset was divided into two groups: 90% of experimental results were applied as training data and 10% for model verification. As a result of the trials conducted, a satisfactory level of the correlation between simulation data and experimental data was obtained. Results allow to presume that the method presented could be adapted for other papermaking pulp grades as a general control system in the industrial refining process. In such a case, the accuracy of the presented method could be even higher because of the large number of data available on-line. These data could be used as in a real-time training procedure, which would significantly improve the precision of the whole system. The lack of other effective methods of paper property prediction makes the method proposed an attractive solution to the problem presented.Pozycja Batch rolling-bed dryer applicability for drying biomass prior to torrefaction(Elsevier, 2025) Szufa, Szymon; Unyay, Hilal; Pakowski, Zdzislaw; Piersa, Piotr; Siczek, Krzysztof; Kabaciński, Mirosław; Sobek, Szymon; Moj, Kevin; Likozar, Blaž; Kostyniuk, Andrii; Junga, Robert; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. Lodz University of Technology. Szymon Szufa, Hilal Unyay, Zdzislaw Pakowski, Piotr Piersa.; Department of Vehicles and Fundamentals of Machine Design. Lodz University of Technology. Krzysztof Siczek.; Department of Thermal Engineering and Industrial Facilities. Opole University of Technology. Kabaciński, Mirosław and Junga, Robert.; Department of Heating, Ventilation, and Dust Removal Technology. Silesian University of Technology. Sobek, Szymon.; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Opole University of Technology. Moj, Kevin.; Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering. National Institute of Chemistry. Likozar, Blaž and Kostyniuk, Andrii.This study investigates the suitability of a pilot-scale batch rolling-bed dryer for drying pine wood chips intended for torrefaction. The batch rolling bed dryer emerges as an ideal solution for further processes like torrefaction, offering a compact design and a wide range of operational parameters. Compared to rotary dryers, it occupies less volume, providing greater efficiency. Additionally, its adjustable drying airflow and compatibility with various biomass forms and particle sizes enhance its versatility. The volumetric evaporation rate was found 13.9 kg/m3 per hour for the total dryer volume and 78.8 kg/m3 for the bed volume. Mechanical tests demonstrate satisfactory operation, with potential for further optimization through impeller blade design improvements. The study also presents a simple model using the CDC modeling approach, successfully describing drying curves in most experiments, albeit with some limitations in temperature curve simulations. Overall, the rolling bed dryer proves to be a convenient solution for drying wood chips as a pretreatment for steam torrefaction, offering ease of operation and promising potential for application in continuous torrefaction lines.Pozycja Effect of Recycling on the Environmental Impact of a High-Efficiency Photovoltaic Module Combining Space-Grade Solar Cells and Optical Micro-Tracking(2023-04-07) Ziemińska-Stolarska, Aleksandra; Pietrzak, Monika; Zbiciński, Ireneusz; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. Lodz University of Technology.; Faculty of Chemistry. Lodz University of Technology.This paper presents a life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis of a new, high-concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) technology developed as part of the HIPERION project of hybrid photovoltaics for efficiency record using an integrated optical technology. In the LCA calculations, the production stage of a full module was adopted as a functional unit. SimaPro version 9.00.49, the recent Ecoinvent database (3.8), and the IPCC 2021 GWP 100a environmental model were applied to perform the calculations. The environmental impact of the HCPV panel was determined for constructional data and for recycling of the main elements of the module. The results of the calculations show that recycling of PMMA, rubber, and electronic elements reduced the total carbon footprint by 17%, from 240 to 201 kg CO2-eq. The biggest environmental load was generated by the PV cells: 99.9 kg CO2eq., which corresponds to 49.8% (41.7% without recycling) of the total environmental load due to the large number of solar cells used in the construction. The emission of CO2 over a 25-year lifespan was determined from 17.1 to 23.4 g CO2-eq/kWh (20.4 to 27.9 without recycling), depending on the location. The energy payback time (EPBT) for the analyzed module is 0.87 and 1.19 years, depending on the location and the related insolation factors (Madrid: 470 kWh/m2, Lyon: 344 kWh/m2). The results of the calculations proved that the application of recycling and recovery methods for solar cells can improve the sustainability of the photovoltaic industry.Pozycja Gravity drainage kinetics of papermaking fibrous suspensions(Polska Akademia Nauk, 2014) Przybysz, Piotr; Kuncewicz, Czesław; Rieger, FrantišekThe study analyses application possibilities of filtration and thickening models in evaluation of papermaking suspension drainage rate. The authors proposed their own method to estimate the drainage rate on the basis of an existing Ergun capillary model of liquid flow through a granular material. The proposed model was less sensitive to porosity changes than the Ergun model. An empirical verification proved robustness of the proposed approach. Taking into account discrepancies in the published data concerning how the drainage velocity of papermaking suspension is defined, this study examines which of the commonly applied models matches experimental results the best.Pozycja Harnessing Switchgrass for Sustainable Energy: Bioethanol Production Processes and Pretreatment Technologies(MDPI Open Access Journals, 2024) Unyay, Hilal; Perendeci, Nuriye, Altınay ; Piersa, Piotr; Szufa, Szymon; Skwarczynska-Wojsa, Agata; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology. Unyay, Hilal and Piersa, Piotr and Szufa, Szymon.; Department of Environmental Engineering. Akdeniz University. Perendeci, Nuriye, Altınay.; Department of Water Purification and Protection. Rzeszow University of Technology. Skwarczynska-Wojsa, Agata.This paper investigates bioethanol production from switchgrass, focusing on enhancement of efficiency through various pretreatment methods and comparing two bioethanol production processes: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF). Physical, chemical, and biological pretreatment processes are applied to enhance the breakdown of switchgrass’s lignocellulosic structure. Effects of pretreatments, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation on ethanol yield are discussed in detail. The comparative analysis reveals that SSF yields higher ethanol outputs within shorter times by integrating hydrolysis and fermentation into a single process. In contrast, SHF offers more control by separating these stages. The comparative analysis highlights that SSF achieves higher ethanol yields more efficiently, although it might restrict SHF’s operational flexibility. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current pretreatments, hydrolysis methods, and fermentation processes in bioethanol production from switchgrass, offering insights into their scalability, economic viability, and potential environmental benefits. The findings are expected to contribute to the ongoing discussions and developments in renewable bioenergy solutions, supporting advancing more sustainable and efficient bioethanol production techniques.Pozycja The Impact of Waste Incineration on Human Beings and The Environment(Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej (TChiIE), 2014) Wielgosiński, Grzegorz; Targaszewska, AgataPoruszono tematykę związaną z oddziaływaniem spalarni odpadów na zdrowie osób w nich zatrudnionych oraz środowisko naturalne. Celem pracy jest dokonanie szerokiego przeglądu istniejącego piśmiennictwa w tym zakresie. Dokonano go, korzystając z licznych, opisanych w literaturze, wyników badań wykonanych w wielu spalarniach odpadów zarówno w Europie, jak i na świecie. W analizowanych pracach poruszano tematykę zagrożeń na stanowiskach pracy, zarówno administracyjnych, jak również bezpośrednio związanych z procesem termicznego przetwarzania odpadów. Zagrożenia te wynikają między innymi z emisji do atmosfery wielu zanieczyszczeń, w tym przede wszystkim polichlorowanych dibenzo-p-dioksyn i polichlorowanych dibenzofuranów, metali ciężkich oraz niektórych lotnych związków organicznych. Wyniki badań stanowić będą istotny argument w dyskusji na ewentualnymi zagrożeniami dla ludzi i środowiska stwarzanymi przez spalarnie odpadów i celowości ich budowy w Polsce.Pozycja A New Device for Characterisation of the Drainage Kinetics of Fibrous Suspensions Under Gravity(The Journal of Committee of Chemical and Process of Polish Academy of Sciences, 2014) Przybysz, Piotr; Kuncewicz, Czesław; Rieger, FrantišekGravity dewatering of fibrous suspension is one of basic technological operations in paper production process. Although there are numerous methods to determine dewatering of such suspensions, none of them can measure undisturbed flow of removed water. In the paper the idea and design of a new apparatus for the determination of drainage rate of fibrous suspensions is presented. The apparatus differs from other known devices by minimisation of filtrate flow resistance in the outlet part of the equipment. In the second part of the paper measurements of the drainage rate have been presented. The flow resistance of the fluid through the bottom wire screen in the device was determined. The calculated flow resistance will be used in the developed model of dynamic drainage of fibrous suspensions, which will be discussed in our following paper (Przybysz et al., 2014).Pozycja Plasma Modified Polycarbonate Nonwovens as Filtering Material for Liquid Aerosols(Instytut Biopolimerów i Włókien Chemicznych (IBWCh) , Łódź, Polska, 2014) Brochocka, Agnieszka; Mian, Ilona; Majchrzycka, Katarzyna; Sielski, Jan; Tyczkowski, JacekThe filter materials commonly used in filtration processes consist of nonwoven fabrics made by melt blowing. In order to improve filtration properties they are subjected to various modifications. This paper presents the treatment of polycarbonate nonwovens with lowpressure cold plasma generated by a 13.56 MHz RF discharge using process gases such as Ar and O2. The effectiveness of such treatment was assessed on the basis of results of the penetration of nonwovens by paraffin oil mist as well as the air flow resistance. The effects of plasma on polycarbonate nonwovens, especially on their surface morphology and chemical structure, were evaluated by electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results indicate that Ar plasma is a good tool for improving the filtration properties of polycarbonate filtering materials. According to these results, the surface roughness plays an important role in the high-efficiency filtration of liquid aerosols with a small increase in air flow resistance.Pozycja Plazma w walce z włókienniczymi ściekami(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Bilińska, LucynaAby przybliżyć cel projektu Nowoczesna technika oczyszczania i recyklingu ścieków włókienniczych realizowana z wykorzystaniem katalizatorów plazmowych należy odpowiedzieć na pytania: dlaczego dotyczy on przemysłu włókienniczego? oraz – jak zimna plazma może pomóc w realizacji celów zrównoważonego rozwoju?Pozycja Reduction of spruce phytotoxicity by superheated steam torrefaction and its use in stimulating the growth of ecological bio‑products: Lemna minor L(Springer Nature, 2025) Szufa, Szymon; Unyay, Hilal; Piersa, Piotr; Kędzierska‑Sar, Aleksandra; Romanowska‑Duda, Zdzislawa; Likozar, Blaz; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. Lodz University of Technology. Szymon Szufa, Hilal Unyay, Piotr Piersa & Aleksandra Kędzierska-Sar.; Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection. University of Lodz. Zdzislawa Romanowska-Duda.; Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering, National Institute of Chemistry. Szymon Szufa & Blaz Likozar.The use of biochar in agriculture is associated with the concepts of "carbon sink" and "carbon negative," which will constitute additional income for farms in the near future and may provide them with a key role in the fight against global warming. The existing model in the Scandinavian countries is one of the first to combine biochar with carbon dioxide biosequestration. Fertilizers with excessive nutrient content, salinity issues, impurities, or irregular pH levels can induce phytotoxicity, damaging plant health and growth. Torrefied woody biomass can work as a bulking agent, carbon carrier, or as an mendment for composting materials containing high amounts of water and/or nitrogen contents. Superheated steam torrefaction as a valorization process increases the amount of pores in which minerals can be stored and the plant will grow faster and bigger by using these pores agglomerated minerals. The torrefaction process was conducted using the DynTHERM TG Rubotherm high-temperature and high-pressure thermogravimetric analysis apparatus under conditions of superheated steam flow. Various residence times (10, 20, and 40 min) and torrefaction temperatures (250, 275, and 300 °C) were explored to assess their efficacy in reducing the phytotoxicity of torrefied spruce. To confirm this assumption, a toxicity test with Lemna minor L. was carried out according to Radić et al. (2011) and extended to the determination of chlorophyll index and chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the physiological status of the plants after treatment with different doses of spruce wood biocarbon. Research indicates that biochar positively impacts soil quality and plants. Thanks to its unique properties, biochar provides nutrients, enhancing fertilization efficiency [1]. Biochar, after concentrating and adsorbing the nutrients from the wastewater, can be used as a soil amendment or fertilizer. Biochar blended with organic residues full of nutrients is more effective in improving soil properties and crop yields than the exclusive application of pure biochar or other fertilizers. Traditional chemical fertilizers have drawbacks, such as rapid nutrient leaching, severe environmental pollution, and high costs. Therefore, biochar is gaining increasing recognition worldwide.Pozycja Regression Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investments, Adjusted Net Savings, and Environmental Tax Revenues on the Consumption of Renewable Energy Sources in EU Countries(MDPI Open Access Journals, 2024) Kukharets, Valentyna; Čingiene, Rasa ; Juočiūnienė, Dalia; Kukharets, Savelii ; Blažauskas, Egidijus ; Szufa, Szymon ; Muzychenko, Andrii ; Belei, Svitlana ; Lahodyn, Nazar ; Hutsol, Taras ; Department of Applied Economics. Finance and Accounting, Agriculture Academy. Vytautas Magnus University. Kukharets, Valentyna and Juočiūnienė, Dalia.; Department of Agricultural Engineering and Safety. Agriculture Academy. Vytautas Magnus University. Čingiene, Rasa and Blažauskas, Egidijus.; Department of Mechanical, Energy and Biotechnology Engineering. Agriculture Academy. Vytautas Magnus University. Kukharets, Savelii.; Department of Agricultural Engineering. Odesa State Agrarian University. Kukharets, Savelii.; Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering. Lodz University of Technology. Szufa, Szymon.; Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis. National University of Life and Enviromental Sciences of Ukraine. Muzychenko, Andrii.; Department of Business Economics and Human Resource Management. Ukraine Yury Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University. Belei, Svitlana and Lahodyn, Nazar.; Ukrainian University in Europe—Foundation. Hutsol, Taras.; Department of Mechanics and Agroecosystems Engineering, Polissia National University. Hutsol, Taras.It is very important for EU countries to achieve energy independence. But this is actually impossible without a high level of use or consumption of renewable energy (RE) sources. Important parameters affecting the consumption of RE sources are as follows: foreign direct investments (FDI), adjusted net savings (ANS), and environmental tax revenues. In the presented work, the likely impact of the above indicators on the level of use of RE sources was estimated using a second-order regression equation. As a result, it was established that the growth of the adjusted net savings indicator and an increase in environmental tax revenues (ETR) have a positive effect on the level of use of RE sources. With significant FDI, the level of ANS does not have a very obvious effect on the growth of the level of use of RE sources. An increase in the level of ANS allows for an increase in ETR, which in turn contributes to an increase in the level of consumption of RE sources. It was also established that an increase in the level of ANS contributes to a more complete realization of the potential of FDI for the development of RE. It has been empirically established that a consistently high consumption of renewable energy sources is actually possible in the countries with a high level of adjusted net savings, high environmental tax revenues, and active attraction of foreign direct investments.Pozycja Sorption Equilibrium of Azo Dyes Direct Orange 26 and Reactive Blue 81 onto a Cheap Plant Sorbent(Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej (TChiIE), 2014) Tomczak, Elwira; Tosik, PawełAzo dye-plant sorbent system was investigated in the paper. Direct Orange 26 and Reactive Blue 81 azo dyes were sourced from Boruta-Zachem Kolor Sp. z o.o. Mechanically and chemically modified rye straw was used as a “low-cost” biosorbent. During experiments, dye concentration changes in the solution and sorbent in time were measured at constant temperature until equilibrium was reached. Sorption equilibrium was described by 2-parameter (Freundlich, Langmuir) and 3-parameter (Redlich-Peterson and Radke-Prausnitz) equations widely used in adsorption studies. Characteristic coefficients of equations were determined and the proposed approximations of the results of experimental studies were evaluated statistically. Higher sorption capacity was obtained for Direct Orange 26 than for Reactive Blue 81.Pozycja Szanujmy wodę!(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2020) Imbierowicz, MirosławNie da się przecenić roli wody w życiu człowieka, dlatego w uchwale Zgromadzenia Ogólnego ONZ stwierdzono, że „prawo do bezpiecznej, czystej wody pitnej i urządzeń sanitarnych jest prawem niezbędnym, by móc w pełni korzystać z życia i praw człowieka”. (...)Pozycja Truskawki lepiej liofilozowane(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Wawrzyniak, PawełPolitechnika Łódzka jest partnerem w projekcie wdrożeniowym „Opracowanie innowacyjnej technologii liofilizacji truskawek w trybie ciągłym, z kontrolą i optymalizacją on-line parametrów jakościowych produktu, opartą na algorytmach sztucznej inteligencji oraz pomiarach spektralnych”. Pracami prowadzonymi w naszej uczelni kieruje dr hab. inż. Paweł Wawrzyniak z Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska, który pisze o zaplanowanych w projekcie efektach.Pozycja The use of ammonium sulfate as an inhibitor of dioxin synthesis in iron ore sintering process(Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej (TChiIE), 2014) Łechtańska, Patrycja; Wielgosiński, GrzegorzThe main air pollutants in the sintering process of iron ore are polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and harmful dust. Ore sintering on sinter strands is one of the first technology steps in the ironworks. It is a process in which iron ore is crushed, subjected to annealing and mixed with appropriate additives, and then sintered in order to produce sinter which is the main component of iron in the blast furnace process. PCDD/Fs emissions were measured and the addition of ammonium sulfate as an inhibitor of the synthesis of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ore was studied.Pozycja The Use of Sequential Extraction for Assessing Environmental Risks of Waste Incineration Bottom Ash(Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej (TChiIE), 2014) Wielgosiński, Grzegorz; Wasiak, Dorota; Zawadzka, AlicjaThermal treatment of waste is one of the ways of their processing. It is commonly used in most developed countries of the European Union. Major by-products of the combustion processes are slag and bottom ash. In the majority of EU countries bottom ash and slag are used as a priming for road construction. In Poland slag and bottom ash from incineration process are stabilized with the addition of cement and some polymers and are landfilled as wastes. In accordance to Polish law, depending on the leaching of heavy metals from fly ash and slag after thermal treatment of waste can be regarded as both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. At present work sequential extraction methods described in the literature: Tessier’s method, van Herck’s method and BCR method were compared experimentally with the results of using Swiss standard TVA.SA.1991 and European standard EN 12457 and total concentration of metals in sample analyzed after complete digestion of sample. The study sample was bottom ash from the medical waste incineration plant.Pozycja Zagospodarowanie odpadów z garbarni(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Obraniak, Andrzej; Modrzewski, Remigiusz; Ławińska, Katarzyna; Gendaszewska, DorotaNaukowcy z Wydziału Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Łódzkiej we współpracy z Siecią Badawczą Łukasiewicz – Instytutem Przemysłu Skórzanego w Łodzi opracowali technologię przesiewania i granulacji strużyn skór, które są odpadami z przemysłu skórzanego i garbarskiego. Proponowana metoda jest łatwa w realizacji, korzystna ekonomicznie i przyjazna dla środowiska.