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Pozycja Discretion in Professional Practice and in Engineering Ethics(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015) Wajszczyk, PiotrThere is an ongoing investigation by scholars of ethics and economics into whether human decision making and the resultant acts should be guided by rules and proce-dures or by judgment and discretion. Although each of these modes offers ad-vantages and disadvantages to decision makers, they are by no means neutral in their effect on professional development. The paper presents an in-depth view of discretionary decisions using an Aristotelian-Thomistic framework. This is the first of the series of papers which focus on the application of realistic philosophical principles to ethical professional behaviour and decision making in daily practice. Results indicate that classical philosophical theories which use vir-tues and truth as indispensable components still may give rise to desirable and moral conduct among individuals who apply them.Pozycja Etyka zawodu inżyniera w świetle wybranych kodeksów i w nauczaniu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013) Wajszczyk, PiotrReferat przedstawia próbę analizy powinności etycznych wynikających z zawodu inżyniera na podstawie wybranych kodeksów etycznych oraz sygnalizuje problemy pojawiające się w nauczaniu przedmiotu etyki zawodowej na studiach technicznych. Analizowane kodeksy etyczne, zarówno krajowych organizacji inżynierskich jak i zagranicznych (amerykańskich) wykazują podobieństwa jak i różnice. Autor wskazuje prawdopodobne źródła tych podobieństw i różnic oraz sugeruje potrzebę prac nad rozwijaniem norm kodeksowych, jak również ich wdrażaniem, stosowaniem i egzekwowaniem. Drugim zagadnieniem poruszanym w referacie jest nauczanie etyki zawodowej inżyniera, omawiane na podstawie własnego doświadczenia autora a także niektórych amerykańskich podręczników do nauczania etyki inżynierskiej. Autor wskazuje na brak takich potrzebnych w nauczaniu etyki materiałów dydaktycznych w języku polskim oraz na brak forum dla dyskusji problemów dydaktyki etyki zawodowej i prezentacji prac naukowo-badawczych w zakresie etyki inżynierskiej w kraju.Pozycja Reflections on Professional Engineering Ethics - a Personalistic Perspective(Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego, 2012) Wajszczyk, Piotr1. Purpose The article attempts to synthesize professional engineering ethics to find key characteristic features of a professional expert engineer and of a managing engineer, who do their duties on job contracts or as contracted professionals within a partnership. 2 .Methodology A descriptive analysis has been applied to the content of engineering codes of ethics to obtain core engineering ethical competencies. 3. Findings A review of the content of professional engineering ethics indicates a deontological base of an educated engineer on earlier acquired values and formed attitudes from general and personal ethics. These are beyond the scope of professional higher education, but are an indispensable precondition for an engineer to have been taught effectively about his or her engineering rights and duties, and to have acquired correct attitudes toward professional ethical issues. The analysis of the learning process within technical curricula supports the proposition, generally accepted in engineering ethics textbooks, to apply a case study method during instruction and to adequately define prerequisite knowledge and skills of the students, to have them prepared for studies of the professional ethics subject. 4. Originality The author proposes that such prerequisites be formulated in engineering curricula and justifies this need by professional code norms that state the superiority of personal integrity of an engineer over all other professional qualities. Such integrity, the author foresees, can be attained on personalistic ethics grounds that foster learning through application and formation of an internally consistent system of values by a future professional who wishes to achieve such personal integrity.Pozycja The Concept of Integrity and Its Application to Engineering Ethics(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2014) Wajszczyk, PiotrIntegrity is a common and well established concept in the ethical vocabulary. It is also being used in various codes of ethics, and investigated by means of various methods. However a review of the contemporary reference literature reveals various meanings associated with this term, which is followed by its variable applicability. It is mentioned among the desirable virtues possessed by the professionals. In various Polish codes of engineering ethics there is an absence of the integrity concept, at least comprehended as fully as it is in the ethics literature. The paper contains an analysis of the meaning of integrity in English and its translations into Polish in selected codes of engineering ethics. The scopes of the used terms are compared and in result it is postulated that some initiatives be undertaken in order to clarify the discrepancies existing in various engineering codes of ethics around the professional integrity concept.