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Pozycja Anisotropic friction sliding rule influence on the mechanical systems dynamics(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2021) Wijata, Adam; Stańczyk, Bartosz; Awrejcewicz, JanAnisotropic friction can produce friction force which is not collinear with a sliding direction. How much friction deviates from a sliding direction is described with a so-called sliding potential or equivalently a sliding rule. A sliding potential is often described with an ellipse or a superellipse. In this paper we propose an oval curve which provides piecewise continuous mathematical description for a sliding rule and fits better to the experimental results than a typical superepllipse. For an exemplary mechanical system it is shown, that an anisotropic sliding potential can lead to an unstable equilibrium position in the system. Furthermore, for what parameters the unstable equilibrium occurs differs between sliding potential models. We have tested four different geometrical models of sliding potential in this regard.Pozycja Badania porównawcze temperatury warstwy wierzchniej w procesie elektroerozyjnego szlifowania (AEDG) materiałów trudnoobrabialnych(Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich, 2014) Gołąbczak, Andrzej; Święcik, Robert; Gołąbczak, Marcin; Stańczyk, BartoszW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań temperatury warstwy wierzchniej w procesie elektroerozyjnego szlifowania (AEDG) i porównawczo w procesie szlifowania konwencjonalnego materiałów trudno-obrabialnych (stopu tytanu 6TiAl4V i węglików spiekanych S20S). W porównywanych procesach szlifowania zastosowano ściernice supertwarde ze ścierniwa z regularnego azotku boru (CBN) i diamentu syntetycznego (SD) ze spoiwem metalowym.Pozycja Badania porównawcze temperatury warstwy wierzchniej w procesie elektroerozyjnego szlifowania (AEDG) materiałów trudnoobrabialnych(2014) Gołąbczak, Andrzej; Święcik, Robert; Gołąbczak, Marcin; Stańczyk, BartoszW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań temperatury warstwy wierzchniej w procesie elektroerozyjnego szlifowania (AEDG) i porównawczo w procesie szlifowania konwencjonalnego materiałów trudno-obrabialnych (stopu tytanu 6TiAl4V i węglików spiekanych S20S). W porównywanych procesach szlifowania zastosowano ściernice supertwarde ze ścierniwa z regularnego azotku boru (CBN) i diamentu syntetycznego (SD) ze spoiwem metalowym.Pozycja Mathematical modelling and investigations of the hexapod robot(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Awrejcewicz, Jan; Grzelczyk, Dariusz; Stańczyk, BartoszLegged locomotion is the most common locomotion form in nature which is used by numerous animal species in order to move on the Earth. It motivated and became the inspiration for many researchers for the construction of walking machines which belong to the most important group of mobile robots met in engineering applications. There are numerous examples of both biological inspirations and constructed prototypes of multi-legged robots (including hexapod robots) investigated. Interesting state-of-the-art in this area can be found in papers . In particular, in reference a summary of biological paragon from nature, methods of investigations of legged locomotion and the constructed multi-legged robots are presented and discussed.Pozycja Power consumption analysis of different hexapod robot gaits.(Politechnika Łódzka. Wydział Mechaniczny. Katedra Automatyki, Biomechaniki i Mechatroniki., 2015) Grzelczyk, Dariusz; Stańczyk, Bartosz; Awrejcewicz, JanThe paper is focused on the power consumption analysis of different gaits of our constructed hexapod robot controlled by different Central Pattern Generator (CPG) models. There are a lot of gait patterns in the literature constructed either by different CPG models or using a series of oscillations with adjustable phase lag. The mentioned models, as well as those proposed in our previous paper are used and compared from the viewpoint of energy demand. In general, power consumption of the constructed hexapod robot is experimentally analyzed based on the current consumption in the applied servo motors, which drive the robot limbs. For this purpose the suitable drivers allowing a simple measurement of electric energy consumption of servo motors are used. The obtained experimental results show different energy demand for different robot gaits. Because power consumption is one of the main operational restrictions imposed on autonomous walking robots, we show that the performed energy efficiency analysis and the choice of the appropriate robot gaits depending on the actual situation can reduce the energy costs.