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Pozycja Algorithms, Networking and Sensing for Data Processing, Mobile Computing and Applications(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Sankowski, Dominik; Romanowski, Andrzej; Sikora, Jan; Wiatr, Kazimierz; Ostalczyk, PiotrIt is an exciting time to be a computer scientist. The multitude of new data sources, sensing methods and the abundance of processing power create new opportunities of which we would never have thought before. This monograph is addressed to the students and researchers who are excited by this perspective. We contribute a carefully selected collection of research activities that aim at using applied computer science to solve some challenges of the modern world and effectively use the potential of information technology. We hope that the chapters included in this book will illustrate how computer science can help us understand the world and achieve our goals more effectively. That is why we have included works that deal with the computational aspects of physical processes. Furthermore, the book also addresses the timely challenges produced by the emergence of mobile computing as the most common interaction paradigm. We also look into future technologies by preparing for the time of pervasive robot assistants. Finally, many chapter of this monograph address data processing. We believe that contributions in this area are particularly relevant as making sure that the abundance of data generated by computational artefacts around us is used effectively is bound to be crucial in deterring how our lives will look in the near future. The topics addressed here are certainly worth a reflection. We hope that this book will inspire the reader to conduct further research with a futuristic outlook.Pozycja Application of multitouch technology for educational purposes in primary school(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Busiakiewicz, Mateusz; Romanowski, Andrzej[...] This chapter presents application of multitouch educational game for introduction basic science terms and information for early elementary school students. The project is a multitouch educational game, aimed at the early elementary school children, titled ProjectWizard. Since children at the age are highly vulnerable to any stimuli, it is extremely important to lead them in the correct direction. It is not that important to convey them as much information as possible, but rather to excite the attention of children in science, pick their interest. The application could be used as an enhancement tool for learning at home, but also as a supplement to science classes, or during extra-curricular science activities. The effect in terms of qualitative feedback, its efficiency in enhancing learning, as well as the most important aspects of such applications are discussed here.[...]Pozycja Application of multitouch technology for educational purposes in primary school(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014) Busiakiewicz, Mateusz; Romanowski, Andrzej[...] This chapter presents application of multitouch educational game for introduction basic science terms and information for early elementary school students. The project is a multitouch educational game, aimed at the early elementary school children, titled ProjectWizard. Since children at the age are highly vulnerable to any stimuli, it is extremely important to lead them in the correct direction. It is not that important to convey them as much information as possible, but rather to excite the attention of children in science, pick their interest. The application could be used as an enhancement tool for learning at home, but also as a supplement to science classes, or during extra-curricular science activities. The effect in terms of qualitative feedback, its efficiency in enhancing learning, as well as the most important aspects of such applications are discussed here.[...]Pozycja Bezinwazyjne badania zjawisk dynamicznych zachodzących w przemysłowych procesach przepływów dwufazowych gaz-ciecz(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Matusiak, Bartosz; Betiuk, Jakub; Romanowski, Andrzej; Fidos, HenrykW wielu procesach przemysłowych występują przepływy dwufazowe gaz-ciecz. Mimo, że badania nad opracowaniem metod pozwalających na badanie zjawisk dynamicznych w tych procesach prowadzone są od wielu lat, do tej pory nie udało się jeszcze rozwiązać wszystkich problemów z nimi związanych. W ostatnim okresie coraz szersze zastosowanie znajdują bezinwazyjne techniki tomograficzne, w szczególności elektryczna tomografia pojemnościowa, która pozwala na uzyskanie rozkładu stałej elektrycznej wewnątrz badanego procesu. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostało stanowisko badawcze, w którego skład wchodzi instalacja umożliwiająca monitorowanie przypływów dwufazowych gaz-ciecz z zastosowaniem elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej oraz opracowana specjalnie do tego zastosowania konstrukcja czujnika pomiarowego z wewnętrznymi elektrodami.Pozycja Bezinwazyjne monitorowanie i diagnozowanie przemysłowych procesów transportu pneumatycznego(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Chaniecki, Zbigniew; Grudzień, Krzysztof; Romanowski, Andrzej; Betiuk, Jakub; Matusiak, Bartosz; Sankowski, DominikTransport pneumatyczny materiałów sypkich jest często stosowany w przemyśle. Stąd istotnym zagadnieniem jest optymalizacja transportu, nie tylko gotowego produktu, ale również materiałów wewnątrz zakładu produkcyjnego. Konieczność monitorowania, diagnozowania i sterowania instalacji transportu pneumatycznego wymusza poszukiwanie coraz doskonalszych metod pomiarowych, zwłaszcza bezinwazyjnych. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej, pozwalającej określić rozkład stałej elektrycznej materiału wewnątrz badanej instalacji. Dzięki tej metodzie możliwe jest również monitorowanie, diagnozowanie oraz wypracowanie optymalnych algorytmów sterowania procesu, pozwalające zwiększyć wydajność instalacji.Pozycja Carbon Footprint Reduction of a Petrochemical Process Supported by ML and Digital Twin modelling(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2023) Kulikowski, Sławomir; Romanowski, Andrzej; Sierszeń, ArturThis article aims to present a concept of an Artificial Intelligence application in the form of pre-trained Machine Learning modules to reduce the carbon footprint of a chemical recycling process. Chemical recycling of plastic is energy-consuming as it requires relatively high temperatures and calibration cycles based on a constantly changing structure of raw materials. Due to that fact, complex process parameters must be tuned to allow the production of the required fraction of gasoline. In general, the designed IoT system enables a massive collection of technology and environmental data and the processing of parameters to feed the Digital Twin of a petrochemical plant. The scientific part of the project consists of Digital Twin modelling, experiments, simulations, and training of machine learning modules to predict the optimal set of production line parameters based on the specific structure of raw materials to reduce the number of calibrations and lower energy consumption indirectly which will lead to carbon footprint reduction. There is an here is an estimate that that deployed solution will allow reduction of energy consumption on a monthly level of 10-15% which could generate direct savings on a cost of energy but also savings in a field of carbon emission and related credits. The project also includes the evaluation of predictions supported by machine learning modules, training techniques and comparison to expert settings to assess the quality of the application.Pozycja Ergonomia niepełnosprawnym. Interakcyjne projektowanie ergonomiczne stanowisk pracy, przestrzeni użytkowych, przepływu informacji i produktu.(Wydawnictwo Politechnika Łódzka, 2017) Polak-Sopińska, Aleksandra; Lewandowski, Jerzy; Wróbel-Lachowska, Magdalena; Branowski, Bogdan; Górska, Ewa; Grabarek, Iwona; Grądzki, Ryszard; Grębosz-Krawczyk, Magdalena; Jaglarz, Anna; Lecewicz-Bartoszewska, Joanna; Lewandowski, Jerzy; Makowiec-Dąbrowska, Teresa; Miarka, Anna; Plinta, Dariusz; Podgórska-Jachnik, Dorota; Polak-Sopińska, Aleksandra; Romanowski, Andrzej; Strumiłło, Paweł; Sydor, Maciej; Szymański, Grzegorz; Truszkowska, Joanna; Urbaniak, Bogusława; Złowodzki, Maciej; Żuraw, HannaPozycja Generating and modelling network traffic(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014) Zarzycki, Maciej; Romanowski, Andrzej; Sierszeń, Artur; Sturgulewski, Łukasz[...] This chapter presents a flexible and scalable approach to automated network adapter testing. It defines a model that can be used to develop complete testing scenarios that reflect the usage patterns seen in todays networks. The work also implements a tool capable of understanding the model and conducting the test scenario. This application is written with performance and ease of extending in mind so it should evolve to meet the the ever changing requirements.[...]Pozycja Generating and modelling network traffic(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Zarzycki, Maciej; Romanowski, Andrzej; Sierszeń, Artur; Sturgulewski, Łukasz[...] This chapter presents a flexible and scalable approach to automated network adapter testing. It defines a model that can be used to develop complete testing scenarios that reflect the usage patterns seen in todays networks. The work also implements a tool capable of understanding the model and conducting the test scenario. This application is written with performance and ease of extending in mind so it should evolve to meet the the ever changing requirements.[...]Pozycja Hand tracking, palm and finger recognition towards touch-less device interaction(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Jelliti, Ibrahim; Grudzień, Krzysztof; Romanowski, Andrzej; Woźniak, PawełHand recognition is a computer technology used to spot a hand as well as to determine the location of hand and its position in arbitrary digital images. The advances in mobile industry have made the complex calculations possible and feasible in smartphones. Taking advantage of these developments, we aimed to develop a gesture recognition application based on a computer vision and image processing algorithms. The application is be able to recognize the fingers of the hand and tracking their moves to perform some interaction with the mobile environment. Presented system is a technical platform for further study of mobile-mixed reality in the field of human-computer interaction.Pozycja Informatyka i edukacja. Problematyka gier komputerowych i inne zagadnienia wybrane(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2010) Romanowski, Andrzej; Sankowski, Dominik; Niedźwiedziński, Marian; Mosorow, WłodzimierzOddajemy w Państwa ręce publikację będącą zbiorem zagadnień związanych z nowoczesnymi technologiami informatycznymi, które mogą zostać zaprzęgnięte do służby w edukacji. Edukacja zaś, jest filarem zarówno społeczeństwa informacyjnego, jak i nowoczesnej gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Myślą przewodnią, która legła u podstaw niniejszego opracowania, jest zaprezentowanie stanu rozwoju technologii i narzędzi informatycznych w szerokim kontekście możliwości ich wykorzystania w edukacji, symulacji czy badaniach rozwojowych. Umiejętne wykorzystanie zdobyczy informatycznych pozwala uatrakcyjnić proces nauczania, a także uczynić go bardziej efektywnym. Teza ta, w opinii autorów, powinna być prawdziwa dla każdego szczebla edukacji, w tym szczebli najwyższych, zarówno kierunków technicznych, jak i innych. Zagadnienia poruszone w monografii skupiają się wokół analizy różnych aspektów gier komputerowych oraz innych wybranych zagadnień w kontekście edukacyjnym, a także na przykładach wykorzystania w praktyce prezentowanych technologii. Książka adresowana jest do praktyków oraz badaczy tematyki zastosowania i rozwoju technik wspomagających nauczanie oraz narzędzi dydaktycznych opartych na nowoczesnych technologiach informatycznych. Zachęcamy do sięgnięcia po tę pozycję także programistów zainteresowanych tworzeniem tzw. serio us games, nauczycieli akademickich związanych z informatyką, pasjonatów wykorzystania gier komputerowych w nauczaniu, naukowców, badaczy i specjalistów związanych z nowoczesną pedagogiką oraz innowacyjną dydaktyką. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest również promowanie współpracy Technologii i Edukacji z możliwie szerokim zakresem dyscyplin naukowych oraz przedmiotów nauczania, a także rozpowszechnianie wiedzy i doświadczeń na temat Nowych Technologii w zastosowaniu do Edukacji we wszelkich dziedzinach. angielskiePozycja Measurement of dynamic pulsations in bulk solid during silo discharging using ECT method(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2009) Grudzień, Krzysztof; Chaniecki, Zbigniew; Niedostatkiewicz, Maciej; Romanowski, Andrzej; Sankowski, DominikPaper will focus on the results of tests with the slender cylindrical silo emptied both gravitationally and in controlled manner. The influence of the initial density, wall roughness, height and velocity on the emptying process will be presented. During tests values of the vertical and horizontal accelerations on the silo wall were measured, the effect of the outlet velocity and level of the dynamic effects were compared. Results will be presented in the form of continuous graphs, which allow to analyse the entire process in simpler way comparing to tomographic images form. It is a better form of presentation in order to work out settings for process control, as well.Pozycja Modeling and Identification Algorithms for Emerging Applications in Data and Signal Processing(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Romanowski, Andrzej; Sankowski, Dominik; Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard; Sikora, Jan; Mosorov, VolodymyrComputerised systems pervade our everyday lives. We see computers everywhere we go. We wake up to the sound of an electronic alarm clock and go to sleep just after switching off the e-book reader. Academic research keeps pursuing solutions to more and more problems using computational methods. With so many new systems around us that attempt to solve so many problems, it becomes harder and harder to identify the truly valuable solutions. How does a modern engineer find what are the latest developments can affect their work? In this book, we provide research results in a variety of application domains that illustrate how computer science may contribute to solving engineering problems. We address a broad spectrum of applications including finance, computer networks, office environments and 3D graphics to show how versatile computer algorithms can be. We aim to stress that applied computer science produces best results when practiced as an interdisciplinary science in close cooperation with application domain specialists. We hope that this monograph will inspire many researchers and students to conduct new interesting activities to further advance the field of computer science. The readers are welcome to use the chapters of this book as starting points of extended discussions that may lead to new ideas and discoveries. We encourage interested readers to contact the authors to fuel the discussions with hands-on experiences and extended work.Pozycja Modelling and Identification Algorithms for Emerging Applications in Data and Signal Processing(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014) Romanowski, Andrzej; Sankowski, Dominik; Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard; Sikora, Jan; Mosorov, VolodymyrComputerised systems pervade our everyday lives. We see computers everywhere we go. We wake up to the sound of an electronic alarm clock and go to sleep just after switching off the e-book reader. Academic research keeps pursuing solutions to more and more problems using computational methods. With so many new systems around us that attempt to solve so many problems, it becomes harder and harder to identify the truly valuable solutions. How does a modern engineer find what are the latest developments can affect their work? In this book, we provide research results in a variety of application domains that illustrate how computer science may contribute to solving engineering problems. We address a broad spectrum of applications including finance, computer networks, office environments and 3D graphics to show how versatile computer algorithms can be. We aim to stress that applied computer science produces best results when practiced as an interdisciplinary science in close cooperation with application domain specialists. We hope that this monograph will inspire many researchers and students to conduct new interesting activities to further advance the field of computer science. The readers are welcome to use the chapters of this book as starting points of extended discussions that may lead to new ideas and discoveries. We encourage interested readers to contact the authors to fuel the discussions with hands-on experiences and extended work.Pozycja Monitoring of solids behaviour during gravitional flow in rectangular silo(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2009) Niedostatkiewicz, Maciej; Chaniecki, Zbigniew; Grudzień, Krzysztof; Romanowski, Andrzej; Banasiak, Robert; Betiuk, JakubThis paper is focused on the application of Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) to gravitational flow of bulk solid in rectangular silo investigation. In order to measure the materials distribution inside a vessel, a dedicated, spatial 16 electrode sensor is designed. Reconstructed images are presented in 3D domain space. The investigated silo model consists of rectangular bin and a cone-like hopper section. The flow behaviour of material (friable sand) is studied for two silo model configurations having different lower section slopes. The slope angle is a silo geometrical parameter affecting the type of the flow regime - mass or funnel type.Pozycja Processing financial data in big data distributed environment using sentiment analysis(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014) Skuza, Michał; Romanowski, AndrzejThis chapter covers design, implementation and evaluation of a system, which predicts future stock prices basing on analyses of data from social media services. The authors took advantage of available large datasets from Twitter micro blogging platform and stock markets. Data was collected during three months and processed for further analysis. Machine learning was employed to conduct sentiment classification of data coming from social networks in order to estimate future stock prices. Calculations were performed in distributed environment according to Map Reduce programming model. Evaluation and discussion of preliminary results of predictions for different time intervals and input datasets proved efficiency of chosen approach.[...]Pozycja Processing social networking information using sentiment analysis and big data distributed environment for stock market prediction(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Skuza, Michał; Romanowski, AndrzejPozycja A review of classical and fractional derivative order methods for edge detection in image processing(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2016) Zerka, Fadila; Grudzień, Krzysztof; Romanowski, AndrzejThe main goal of this work is compare between the classical edge detectors and an approach of edge detection based on fractional differentiation. Classical edge detectors based on first order derivative: Prewitt, Sobel and Canny and one edge detector based on second order derivative: Laplacian is discussed. Also the 2nd order fractional differentiation approach of edge detection is presented. To check the effect of image smoothing on edge detection results additionally, for results comparison between different methods, a smoothing filter is applied for Prewitt, Sobel, Laplacian. The comparison is conducted from time consuming point of view and quality of edge detection level.Pozycja Tackling the computer overuse as a cause of chronic musculoskeletal disorders with the concept of a tangible personal persuasive avatar(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2015) Kosiński, Tomasz; Grzelak, Piotr; Kucharski, Przemysław; Romanowski, Andrzej; Chaniecki, Zbigniew[...] The presented work, introducing a prototype of interactive avatars persuasive system into employees' natural workplaces, provided an opportunity of insight into human behavior at work and the possible problems to the company's productivity. The results of evaluation stage confirmed the impact that such a real avatar has on the user and revealed system improvement areas. It is intended to adjust robot's operations and sound persuasion stage. The evaluation phase is to be reviewed within the interdisciplinary team in order to provide the most accurate assessment methods. It was proven that human behavior can be changed in an unobtrusive way, without the need of announcing the official regulations, effectively.[...]Pozycja Tackling the computer overuse cause of chronic musculoskeletal problems with the concept of a tangible personal persuasive avatar(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2014) Kosiński, Tomasz; Grzelak, Piotr; Romanowski, Andrzej; Chaniecki, Zbigniew[...] The presented work, introducing a prototype of interactive avatars persuasive system into employees' natural workplaces, provided an opportunity of insight into human behavior at work and the possible problems to the company's productivity. The results of evaluation stage confirmed the impact that such a real avatar has on the user and revealed system improvement areas. It is intended to adjust robot's operations and sound persuasion stage. The evaluation phase is to be reviewed within the interdisciplinary team in order to provide the most accurate assessment methods. It was proven that human behavior can be changed in an unobtrusive way, without the need of announcing the official regulations, effectively.[...]