Selected Algorithms of Quantitative Image Analysis for Measurements of Properties Characterizing Interfacial Interactions at High Temperatures.

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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej


In the case of every quantitative image analysis system a very important issue is to improve the quality of images to be analyzed, in other words, their pre-processing. As a result of pre-processing, the significant part of the redundant information and disturbances (which could originate from imperfect vision system components) should be removed from the image. Another particularly important problem to be solved is the right choice of image segmentation procedures. Segmentation essence is to divide an image into disjoint subsets that meet certain criteria for homogeneity (e.g. color, brightness or texture). The result of segmentation should allow the most precise determination of geometrical features of objects present in a scene with a minimum of computing effort. The measurement of geometric properties of objects present in the scene is the subject of image analysis.


Słowa kluczowe

System miar, Napięcie powierzchniowe, Pomiar napięcia powierzchniowego, Measurement system, Surface tension, Measurement of the surface tension, THERMO-WET


Strzecha K., Selected Algorithms of Quantitative Image Analysis for Measurements of Properties Characterizing Interfacial Interactions at High Temperatures., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2016, ISBN 978-83-7283-742-4.