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Repozytorium Politechniki Łódzkiej gromadzi, archiwizuje oraz udostępnia w postaci pełnotekstowej dorobek naukowy pracowników PŁ.

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Nasz absolwent: światły człowiek, dobry specjalista
(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Chmielecka, Ewa
The article consists of two interwoven threads about the tasks facing technical universities in the context of their didactic activities: humanistic reflection about required personal qualities of the alumni and analysis of the formal requirements connected with the proposed and existing education programmes. Both of these threads begin reflection by two elements of educa-tion: knowledge and skills, and later they concentrate on the attitudes (social competences) of the alumni. University teachers and universities have ethos obligations to form not only knowledge and skills, but also the attitudes of their students. The analysis of European and Polish Qualifications Framework descriptors allows description of the expected alumni qualifications also in the sphere of “social competences”. It is appropriate then, to ask the question whether or how Polish universities understand and form attitudes / social competences. Our alumni should not only be skilled professionals, but also at the same time en-lightened people, who know how to use knowledge and skills for social and personal benefits. They should have a habit of value judgement reflection concerning their personal activities and also their active citizenship and personal development. The next part of the article contains the overview of the methods which allow us to improve such attitudes.
Projektowanie humanistyczne odczytane na nowo
(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Gasparski, Wojciech W.
This article is an attempt to re-interpret an earlier article on the humanistic meaning of design as conceptual preparation for action. An additional incentive is the assumption that humanistic design can now, if it is not a counter-proposal, at least to correct consumerism dominating in contemporary business. The humanistic perspective indicates human beings as subjects of the design, due to practical situations and their context. For this reason, it is necessary to strive to shape the social role of the design and social organization of design activity in such a way that the humanistic axiology is taken into account in the design solutions. Therefore, designers should not only be technical experts, but also trustworthy guardians.
Profesjonalizm w pracy zawodowej
(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Hope, Ewa
This article is an analysis of the notion of “professionalism” with a special consideration of technical professions. The author raised the problem of the inseparable connection between practices that respect ethical rules and acts at the workplace as a basis for choices which one can call “professional.”. The author proposes a triad of responsibility, knowledge and experience, which is not only a condition and a guarantee of professionalism, but also a proposition for overcoming common atrophy of moral values and adiaphorization of actions, which are consequences of using market regulation mechanisms to all the spheres of social life. The author underlines the importance of the category of responsibility especially in technical professions, where the representatives who transform material reality have a great influence on the shape of the future of mankind.
Gender i nauki techniczne. Sprawiedliwość, innowacyjność, rzetelność
(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Hyży, Ewa
Due to the increased diversity of society, homogeneous group of researchers and producers in most areas, but especially in those dealing with the planning and production of our material reality, cannot satisfactorily fulfill constantly emerging new needs and expectations. To affect the greater participation of women in those areas, the continues struggle against stereotypes, and anti-gender ideologies, seems to be necessary. Therefore, the inclusion of the gender issues into engineering studies is a must. The beneficial attempt to influence the change of the traditional technological standards, social and gender consciousness, could also promotied a cost effectiveness of production. The international project “Gender Innovations” helps to carry outy those endeavors already for several years.
Inżynieria bez podmiotu? Problem odpowiedzialności oraz standartów humanistycznych w społeczeństwie technokratycznym
(Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2017) Wadowski, Jan
In the first part of the paper, the author defines two notions: that of an engineer and that of a humanist. The engineer must be sensitive to the values that constitute our humanity. Engineering is only an element which serves man to facilitate the quality of his life. There is, however, the danger of the development of subject-free engineering which already operates in a ‘ballistic’ and impersonal way. Despite all this, at the heart of engineering we find the humanistic and axiological nucleus which contains the conviction that all that is technical has rational and good indications. The syndrome of contempt for society appears (Horkheimer). Today, it is essential that the engineer is guided by the humanist approach because it will enable him to construct favorable conditions for diverting various dehumanized standards. Engineering without a humanist nucleus is/can be dangerous for man and for nature.